Drawings in COSMO Discrete Manufacturing
Drawings are the construction plans linked to items that are attached to Master BOMs, Document BOMs, Construction Orders, Construction Inquires, and Service BOMs.
Drawing Status
If Status Check = Show Error or Confirm Individually in the PDM Setup page, then the following checkbox must be selected for the applicable Drawing Status:
- Use in BOM - to use drawings in the Master BOM header/line/version and the Document BOM.
- Use in Service - to use drawings in the Service BOM header/line.
- Use in Construction Order - to use drawings in the Construction Order header/line.
To add a drawing to an item
Drawings can be added directly to the item or in the Drawings page.
If adding the drawing directly to an item:
- Choose the
icon, enter Items, and then choose the related link.
- Create an item or open an existing item.
- On the Related menu, choose Item > Drawings.
- Choose the New action.
- In the Type Code field, enter the type of drawing.
- In the Description field, enter a description of the drawing.
- In the Status Code field, enter the status of the drawing.
- In the Starting Date and Ending Date fields, enter valid period of the drawing.
- To add the drawing:
- In the Picture FactBox, choose the drop-down arrow and then choose the Import action.
- In the Select a picture to upload dialog, choose the Choose button.
- Locate and select the drawing.
- To attach a document:
- On the Drawing menu, choose the Attachments action.
- In the Attachment field, choose Select File.
- In the Attach a document dialog, choose the Choose button.
- Locate and select the document to attach.
If using the Drawings page:
- Choose the
icon, enter Drawings, and then choose the related link.
- Choose the New action.
- In the No. field, enter the item number this drawing relates to or enter a unique code for adding the drawing to items using the Assign to Items action.
- In the Type Code field, enter the type of drawing.
- In the Description field, enter a description of the drawing.
- In the Status Code field, enter the status of the drawing.
- In the Starting Date and Ending Date fields, enter valid period of the drawing.
- To add the drawing:
- In the Picture FactBox, choose the drop-down arrow and then choose the Import action.
- In the Select a picture to upload dialog, choose the Choose button.
- Locate and select the drawing.
- To attach a document:
- On the Drawing menu, choose the Attachments action.
- In the Attachment field, choose Select File.
- In the Attach a document dialog, choose the Choose button.
- Locate and select the document to attach.
To add a drawing to multiple items
After creating the drawings in the Drawings page, you can assign the drawings to multiple items using the Assign to Items action.
- On the Drawing Card, choose the Assign to Items action on the Home menu.
- In the Items page, choose the item(s) to assign the drawing to.
- Choose the OK button.
Drawing Sets
When there are multiple drawings for an item, you can add the drawings to a drawing set. When the item is added to a Master BOM or specified document, the attached drawings are transferred as well.
- On the Item Card, choose Item > Drawing Set on the Related menu.
- In the Drawing No. field, enter the drawing.
Drawings assigned to drawing sets are accessible from the:
- Master BOM header by choosing BOM > Drawing Set on the Related menu.
- Master BOM lines by choosing Line > Drawing Set on the Lines FastTab.
- Document BOM lines by choosing Line > Drawing Set on the Related menu.
- Document BOM Header (page accessed through Tell Me) by choosing Line > Drawing Set on the Lines FastTab.
- Construction Order and Construction Inquiry header by choosing Construction > Drawing Set on the Related menu.
- Construction Order and Construction Inquiry lines by choosing Line > Drawing Set on the Lines FastTab.
- Construction BOM by choosing Line > Drawing Set on the Related menu.
- Service BOM header by choosing Service BOM > Drawing Set on the Related menu.
- Service BOM lines by choosing Line > Drawing Set on the Lines FastTab.
Drawing Set FactBoxes
Drawings assigned to drawing sets are visible in the Drawing Set and Line Drawing Set FactBoxes.
Drawing Set FactBox
The Drawing Set FactBox shows the drawing status of the Master BOM or header of the document. This FactBox is available on the following pages:
- Master BOM
- Document BOM
- Construction Order
- Construction BOM
- Construction Inquiry
- Service BOM
Line Drawing Set FactBox
The Line Drawing Set FactBox shows the status of the drawing in the line of a Master BOM or document. This FactBox is available on the following pages:
- Master BOM
- Document BOM
- Construction Order
- Construction Inquiry
- Service BOM
Transfer Drawings to Production BOMs and Routings
Drawings in the Master BOM are transferred to the Sales Quote/Order line, Document BOM, and Construction Order header/lines to enable the transfer of the drawings to the Production BOMs and Routings. Therefore, drawings in the Master BOM header are transferred to the Sales Quote/Order line when the Document BOM is created and to the Construction Order header when the Request BOM function is run. The drawings in the Master BOM lines are transferred to the Document BOM and Construction Order lines upon creation.
When Production BOMs and Routings are created using the Create Items & BOMs action, drawings will be copied from the source record (Sales Quote/Order line, Document BOM, Construction Order header/line) to the new Production BOM or Routing header and/or lines. Whether the drawings from the Sales Quote/Order line or Construction Order header are copied to the new Production BOM or Routing header is determined by fields in the Drawing Types page.
Drawings must have a status that allows for Use in BOM and Use in Routing.
To enable transfer of drawings to production BOM and routing headers
The fields in the Drawing Types page give you the ability to choose which types of drawings from the Master BOMs will be transferred from Sales Quote/Order line or Construction Order header to the new Production BOM and/or Routing headers.
- Choose the
icon, enter Drawing Types, and then choose the related link.
- Create or select the drawing type that will allow the transfer of drawings to Production BOM and/or Routing headers.
- Select the Copy to Prod. BOM Header checkbox to copy drawings of this type from the source records to the new Production BOM header.
- Select the Copy to Routing Header checkbox to copy drawings of this type from the source records to the new Routing header.
- Ensure that the drawing type(s) is assigned to the drawings accordingly.
To transfer drawings to production BOMs and routings from sales quote/order
- Create a Sales Quote/Order and then choose Line > Drawing Set on the Lines FastTab to view the drawing(s) assigned to the production item.
- Create the Document BOM and then view the drawings assigned to the lines via the Drawing Set FactBox.
- Go back to the Sales Quote/Order and then choose Line > Drawing Set on the Lines FastTab to view the drawings assigned to the production item as well as to the Master BOM header.
- On the Lines FastTab, choose Document BOM > Create Items & BOMs in the Line menu.
- In the Target BOM Type field, choose Production BOM, make any other changes as needed, and then choose the Yes button.
- Open the new Production BOM and Routing and view the attached drawings from the Sales Quote/Order and Document BOM lines. Drawings from the Sales Quote/Order line are transferred to the Production BOM/Routing header (if the checkboxes were selected in the assigned drawing type) and drawings from the Document BOM lines are transferred to the Production BOM/Routing lines.
For more information, see Create Items and BOMs.
To transfer drawings to production BOMs and routings from construction order
- Create a Construction Order using the Tell Me feature (cannot be created from a Sales Order line due to reservations).
- In the Drawing Set FactBox, view the drawing(s) assigned to the production item.
- On the Home menu, choose the Request BOM action.
- In the Lines FastTab, choose a line and then view the assigned drawings in the Line Drawing Set FactBox.
- On the Actions menu, choose Functions > Create Items & BOMs.
- In the Target BOM Type field, choose Production BOM, make any other changes as needed, and then choose the Yes button.
- Open the new Production BOM and Routing and view the attached drawings from the Construction Order header and lines. Drawings from the Construction Order header are transferred to the Production BOM/Routing header (if the checkboxes were selected in the assigned drawing type) and drawings from the Construction Order lines are transferred to the Production BOM/Routing lines.
For more information, Create Items and BOMs.
Drawing Sets in Item Search and Replace
If the Search & Replace Item action is run from the Item Card to find and replace items in various COSMO Discrete Manufacturing documents, drawing sets can be included in the process by turning on the Drawing Set ID toggle in the Overwrite Fields group. For more information, see Search & Replace Item.
See Also
Drawing Statuses
Drawing Types
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