Project Construction Setup
In the Project Construction Setup page, general COSMO Project Construction settings are defined as well as the required number series.
General FastTab
The fields on the General FastTab are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Default PaC Project Type | Indicates the default Project Type to be assigned to PaC Projects. For more information about the Project Types used with COSMO Project Construction, see Project Types Setup. |
Default Placing Project Type | Indicates the correct Project Type for creating Placing Unit projects from execution units. For more information, see PaC Structural Plan with Execution Units. |
Material Demand Structure | Determines if the Material Demand List in PaC Projects is created based on Component Groups or Calculation Groups. The default is Calculation Groups. |
Exemption Certificate Code | Indicates the Certificate Code for Exemption Certificates that are used for validity checks on Tax No. and Tax State No. |
Supplement Start No. | Indicates the starting number to be used for each supplement for a project. For more information, see Supplement Administration. |
Diary Report Start No. | Indicates the default starting number of the Diary Report Card, e.g., 001. |
Measurement Location Required | Determines if Measurement Locations are required to be selected in Measurement Documents before registration. This is defaulted to the Project Card. |
No. Series FastTab
The fields on the No. Series FastTab are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Construction Project Nos. | Indicates the number series to be used for new Construction Projects. |
Measurement Nos. | Indicates the number series to be used for new Measurements. |
Measurement Summary Nos. | Indicates the number series to be used for new Measurement Summaries. |
Construction Invoicing Templ. Nos. | Indicates the number series to be used for the Construction Invoicing Template. This is the general template that will always be copied to a Construction Invoicing Schedule on Projects or Sales Invoices. |
Construction Invoicing Schedule Nos. | Indicates the number series assigned to the Construction Invoicing Schedule that is used on Sales Invoices, for example, for Share in Cost or other deductions. |
Invoicing Plan Sale Header Nos. | Indicates the number series to be used for new Construction Invoice Plans for sales (see Construction Invoice Plans). |
Invoicing Plan Purchase Header Nos. | Indicates the number series to be used for new Construction Invoice Plans for purchases (see Construction Invoice Plans). |
Construction Diary Nos. | Indicates the number series to be used for Construction Diaries (see Construction Diary). |
Incident Nos. | Indicates the number series to be used for Incidents (see Incident Management). |
Dimensions FastTab
The fields on the Dimensions FastTab are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Autom. Construction Project Dimension | Indicates the dimension to be automatically created for main Construction Projects. |
Project Account Dimension | Indicates the dimension to be assigned to the Project account. |
Autom. Project Account Dimension | Determines how the Project Account dimension value is created. The options are: - BoQ Project No.: The Project No. from the BoQ Project is used as the dimension value. - No. Series: The number series entered in the Project Account Nos. field is used as the dimension value. - Construction Project No. + Index (2-digit): The Construction Project No. plus a 2-digit index is used as the dimension value (for example, CON00001-01). - PaC Project No.: The Project No. from the PaC Project is used as the dimension value. |
Project Account Nos. | Indicates the No. Series to be used as the Project Account dimension value if Autom. Proj. Acc. Dimension = No. Series. |
Calculation FastTab
The fields on the Calculation FastTab are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Component Code Wages | Indicates the component code that will be entered in the No. field of the BoQ Budget Calculation when budget lines for Wages are created automatically from the Fast Calculation page (see Fast Calculation). |
Component Code Material | Indicates the component code that will be entered in the No. field of the BoQ Budget Calculation when budget lines for Materials are created automatically from the Fast Calculation page (see Fast Calculation). |
Component Code Ext. Service | Indicates the component code that will be entered in the No. field of the BoQ Budget Calculation when budget lines for External Services are created automatically from the Fast Calculation page (see Fast Calculation). |
Component Code Equipment | Indicates the component code that will be entered in the No. field of the BoQ Budget Calculation when budget lines for Equipment are created automatically from the Fast Calculation page (see Fast Calculation). |
Component Code Other | Indicates the component code that will be entered in the No. field of the BoQ Budget Calculation when budget lines for Other Costs are created automatically from the Fast Calculation page (see Fast Calculation). |
Component Code Other 2 | Indicates the component code that will be entered in the No. field of the BoQ Budget Calculation when budget lines for Other Costs 2 are created automatically from the Fast Calculation page (see Fast Calculation). |
Unit Price Rounding Precision | Indicates the rounding precision for Unit Prices of sales positions. This is defaulted to the Project Card. |
Component Code Catalog Item | Indicates a general component to be used with catalog items, which determines the G/L account to be used until a normal item is created. When a catalog item is used in the Project Budget Calculation, this component code is used. In the purchase or sales quote, the Type field is automatically set to G/L Account and the No. field is set to the corresponding G/L account. For more information, see Catalog Item Management. |
Bill of Quantities FastTab
The Bill of Quantities FastTab contains defaults used in BoQ processing. The fields in this FastTab are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Default ON Mask | Defines the default BoQ Position No. format for the Set BoQ Position No. function; value defaults to the ON Mask field in the Project Card. |
ON Pos. Increase | Defines the default steps between each position; value defaults to the ON Pos. Increase field in the Project Card. |
ON Spaces instead of Null | Determines if BoQ Positions have a space instead of a leading zero. Defaults to the ON Spaces instead of Null field in the Project Card. |
Free ON Allowed | Determines if BoQ Position numbers can be changed independently of the ON Mask. Defaults to the Free ON Allowed field in the Project Card. |
Default BoQ Position Component Code | Defines the default BoQ Position Component Code that will be used when BoQ elements are created in the BoQ Budget Calculation page (see Create BoQ Positions). This is applicable for BoQ Position Types = Normal, Optional, and Alternative. |
Automatic Price Parts Calculation | Determines whether price parts are calculated automatically or manually by running the Calculate Unit Price Parts action from the BoQ Budget Calculation or BoQ Position List pages (see Calculate Unit Price Parts - BoQ Budget Calculation or Calculate Unit Price Parts - BoQ Position List). NOTE: Enabling automatic calculation can decrease performance. |
Update Sales BoQ Texts on Document Update | Specifies whether the Sales BoQ Texts are also updated when the sales document is updated through the Update Sales Quote or Update Sales Order actions. The options are: - Never: Sales Line BoQ texts are never updated automatically. - Question: User is asked if they want to update the Sales Line BoQ texts. - Always: Sales Line BoQ texts are always updated automatically. |
Construction Invoicing FastTab
The Invoicing Feature field on the Construction Invoicing FastTab determines if Invoicing Schedules or Invoice Plans are enabled for construction invoicing. Therefore, only the related fields and actions for the option that is selected are shown.
App Licensing FastTab
The fields on the App Licensing FastTab include the app license key, the validation period, status of the license, and information regarding your license from the licensing server. The data is generated when the setup is initialized.
Action Bar
The actions on the action bar are described in the following table.
Menu | Action | Description |
About | View the current product version and copyright information. | |
Actions | App Licensing > Open the License Overview | Lists the license status of the COSMO app and allows you to register the app and perform other administrative licensing tasks. For more information, see App Licensing and Registration. |
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