Example - Commission Search Order
Item A1 is assigned to commission group APG1 and Customer D1 is assigned to customer commission group DPG1.
For a specific commission recipient, the following commission rates have been defined:
- Customer of commission group DPG1 and all items = 6%
- Items commission group APG1 and all customers = 5%
It item A1 is sold to customer D1, the system will find two valid competing commission rates. The commission search order solves this problem and finds the one and only commission rate in this case.
Option 1: Commission Search Order = Commission Recipient - Customer - Item
This means that the commission recipient gets commission of 5% for all items of commission group APG1, unless items are being sold to customers of the customer commission group DPG1. In this case, the commission recipient gets 6% commission.
Option 2: Commission Search Order = Commission Recipient - Item - Customer
This means that the commission recipient gets commission of 6% for all items of customer commission group DPG1, unless items are assigned to item commission group APG1. In this case, the commission recipient gets only a 5% commission.
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