Value Class - Repository
- What is the Repository option?
- How do I use the Repository option?
- What is the Table Mapping Filter?
- What is the difference between the Repository option and the Constant option?
Summary: The Value Class - Repository option in the COSMO Data Integration Framework provides access to a field of a Repository. The Repository Code and the corresponding field must be entered in the fields provided. The value can then be converted and formatted as needed. For the Table Mapping Filter, this option works in the same way as the Constant option.
The Repository option provides access to a field of a Repository. Therefore, the corresponding Repository Code must be entered in the Value Repository Code field, and the corresponding field must be entered in the Field Value field. The usage of Variables is not possible with this option. However, the value can be converted (see Conversions). After the conversion, the value can be formatted as well.
For the Table Mapping Filter, the Repository option works in the same way as the Constant option.
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