Suggest Lots on Production Order Components
Lots can also be suggested based on component consumption. To use this feature, the following setup must be completed:
- On the component item's Test Plan Assignment – add a line with Source Type = Component, relevant testing attributes (Item Test Order Option, Sample Method, Inspection Severity), and leave the Test Plan No. field blank.
- On the produced item's Production BOM – assign a default Test Plan to the component item. This test plan will be copied to the Test Plan No. field on the Prod. Order Component line for each production order.
Similar to the order-specific lot requirement functionality, the default test plan can be copied to a new test plan and modified for a Prod. Order Component using the Copy Test Plan and Customize Test Plan actions on the Quality Assurance menu. The Test Plan is used to enable comparison with existing lot testing results based on the specific Test Properties in both the default Test Plan and current one for the production order component. The Test Properties are compared to determine whether a lot that is generally tested as "Not OK" is valid for the component. Only the lots in stock with the same Location Code are taken into consideration and will be retested.
Different parameters can be set up for each customer by adding lines in the Test Plan Assignment. For example, testing can be done on item level for one customer and then tested on a lot number basis for another customer.
Additionally, it is possible to create a component-based Test Order.
See Also
Order Specific Lot Requirements
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