Record Pools
- How do I set up a Record Pool Card?
- How do I set up a Record Pool Filter?
- How do I set up a Record Pool Field?
- How do I set up Related Tables?
- How do I control Records Frequency?
Summary: Record Pools record any data modifications in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central database. The tables Record Pools, Record Pool Filters, Record Pool Fields, and Related Tables are used cross-company, and the Record Pool Partner table must be established for each Company. This chapter described a sequence of tasks for setting up a record pool card, filter, field, and related table, as well as controlling record frequency.
Record Pools record any data modifications in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central database. Depending on the type of change (for example, Insertion, Modification, Deletion) Record Pools can be set up differently for Partners. Each modification on a record calls a modification trigger for monitoring and can be tracked with further settings.
The tables Record Pools, Record Pool Filters, Record Pool Fields, and Related Tables are used cross-company, whereas the Record Pool Partner table must be established for each Company. For more information about the tables, see Object Diagram.
The following table describes a sequence of tasks, with links to the topics that describe them.
To | See |
Create a record pool card. | Set Up Record Pool Card |
Create a record pool filter. | Set Up Record Pool Filter |
Create a record pool field. | Set Up Record Pool Field |
Create a related table. | Set Up Related Tables |
Display processed records. | Control Records Frequency |
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