DMS Content Types
Content types are configured in the Content Types section on the DMS Document Library Card. They control the display and functions of the DMS document library in a DMS Document Box. This allows them to be used as filters to upload a document for the same record with different metadata, or to display differently filtered documents from SharePoint for the same document library.
For a content type to be displayed in the document box, it must meet the following criteria:
- The Display in Document Box field must be enabled on the content type.
- The content type must have a released table setup for the table number of the (current) record for which the document box is displayed.
- The (current) record must match the filter criteria of the record filter (Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central table filter).
- The user must have at least read permission for the document library in SharePoint.
Setting up a new DMS content type page
A new content type is created by specifying a Code and filling in the Display Name field in the Content Types section of the DMS Document Libraries Card. The creation is done once you enter this information in an empty line.
The standard configuration distinguishes between three different types of content types. The types are derived from the tasks of the content types.
Type Name | Description |
MAIN | This content type bundles all table setups that provide the highest degree of tagging for these document categories. |
LINKED | This content type bundles all table setups intended for mapping document flow processes. |
REPORT | This content type bundles all table setups used for processing in background processes. A display in the document box is not provided. |
When a new content type is provided, the type label is entered as a code in the standard configuration, for example, Code = MAIN.
Basically, the code is freely selectable. However, the use of these three types has worked well in the past.
Further setup of existing content types
On the Content Types tab of the DMS Document Library Card, select the Edit Type action to open the DMS Content Type page. In the opened card, you will find all the information and configuration for the content type.
The card has three sections. The General section stores the general information as well as the table setup. The second section Settings is used to configure settings for various actions related to the table setups. The Document Box section stores all configurations for displaying the table setups in the respective document boxes as well as the actions on the elements in the document box.
Captions for Content Types
The content type controls the display of the document library as a folder in the DMS document box. This also applies to the display name. The display name of the folder always corresponds to the display name of the content type.
The Captions function is used to customize the display name in the DMS document box. For this purpose, the various display names for different languages can be stored in the captions.
If a user uses a language for which no labelling is configured, the display name of the content type is used.
In the default configuration, the display name of the content type is always stored in English. Furthermore, the configuration contains the corresponding captions for the languages en-US and de-DE.
The settings include various configurations that are relevant to the upload process.
The options for Duplicates Handling are:
- Setup - If this option is selected, the value in the SharePoint File Duplicates field on the DMS Setup page is used.
- New Version - Creates a new version for the uploaded document. If versioning is not enabled for the document library, the document will be overwritten.
- Timestamp - Appends a timestamp to the end of the new document name before the file extension: <Year>-<Month>-<Day> - <Hour>-<Minute>-<Second>, for example Tourenrad 2019-04-03 11-23-54.bmp.
The New Version setting also updates the metadata for a file. Therefore, if a file with the same filename is uploaded consecutively to two different records in the same document library, the file will only be displayed once in the document box.
The file name check always takes place within a folder of a document library. This allows the same file name within a document library in different folders.
The options for Version CheckIn Type are:
- Minor Version - New minor version (for example, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, ...), set by default.
- Major Version - New major version (for example, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, ...).
- Overwrite Version - Overwrites without generating a new version (configured for the major version). The file will be checked out if the SharePoint document library is configured for a major version. The file will be checked out if the SharePoint document library is configured for a minor version.
Document Box
This configuration within the content type is used to control the display of the table setups of the content type in the DMS Document Box. This can include controlling which files should be displayed in the document box and which functions are available.
For more information about the fields on the Table Setup FastTab, see Table Setup.
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