Finish Procurement
When the procurement documents (purchase orders and inventory requests) are posted, the Procurement Status on the released procurement lines is automatically set to Finished if the:
- Post Released Quantity Only toggle is turned on on the Procurement FastTab in the Projects Setup page
- full quantity has been allocated
For time entry lines, there is no such automation because usually no direct quantity matching can be achieved. Therefore, these lines are set to finished manually by choosing the Set Finished action on the Procurement menu.
This function can be used on any lines that need to be set as Finished.
Finished procurement lines are indicated through the Procurement Finished field.
Rolling Calculation after Procurement
After the different procurement processes are posted, usage is displayed in the Total Direct Cost Usage (LCY) field.
On the Actions menu, choose Functions > Refresh Production Costs to manually update the values in the Production Cost (LCY), PO Material Cost (LCY), and PO Capacity Cost (LCY) fields.
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