Document BOM
The document BOM is presented as a resource list, which is a multilevel BOM that includes items and capacities like Work Centers, Work Center Groups, and Resources.
If the Document BOM not editable toggle is turned on for the related item, you will not be able to edit the Document BOM.
The fields on the Document BOM page are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Level | Specifies the level of the BOM structure to which the line is assigned. The number is automatically assigned and cannot be edited. |
Position | Specifies the position number. This field is used to enter the drawing position number of an associated CAD or design drawing. |
Type | Selects the type of BOM line. The following options are available: - <Blank>: Used mainly to insert a comment in a manufacturing BOM line. - Account (G/L): Currently has no functionality. - Item: Enables an item from the item master to be entered as a BOM component. -- When an item has a master BOM itself, this is taken into consideration automatically and transferred to the document BOM if the Part Type field is set to Production in the item master. When an item is entered manually and if it has its own master BOM, this can be transferred to the document BOM by choosing the Request BOM from Line action. -- If the Part Type field is set to Standard, then the item is treated as in the standard. -- If the Part Type field is set to Purchase and the status of a Document BOM changes to Released, a new Variant Code gets inserted to the Variant Code field in the BOM line. If the Information Lines checkbox is selected for the BOM type in the document BOM configuration, then the components from items with the Part Type field <> Standard or Purchase are also copied into the document BOM. - Resource: Enables a resource to be selected. The use of resources in the master BOM is meaningful if the capacity and value of indirect areas (for example, construction) are also to be considered in the BOM. - Work Center: Selection of a work center for a series of operations. - Machine Center: Selection of a machine center for a series of operations. - Master BOM: Selection of another Master BOM. The components of this Master BOM will not be transferred in as its own assembly group but will be copied directly into the current BOM level. - Production BOM: Selection of a production BOM. The components of this production BOM will not be transferred in as its own assembly group but will be copied directly into the current BOM level. The BOM will be exploded when the production order is created. Additionally, this type is used with the integration of COSMO Process Manufacturing (see Integration of COSMO Process Manufacturing). |
No. | Number of the relevant item, resource, work center, machine center, master BOM, or G/L account. |
Description | Description from the Item Card. This description is copied into the master BOM and can be changed as needed. |
Exp. Quantity | Indicates the number of components needed to manufacture an assembly. For example, if on a higher-level line, the Calculation Formula field is empty and you type a value in the Quantity per field, the Quantity field on the lower-level line will be populated with the same value. The Exp. Quantity field on the lower-level line is then calculated by multiplying the Exp. Quantity on the higher-level line by the Quantity field on the component line. Additionally, the calculated value is also based on the Rounding Precision in the Item Card. Therefore, when the Master BOM is requested in the Document BOM or Construction Line, the rounding precision is considered and cannot be changed if it does not match the specified rounding. For example, if an item on the line has a Rounding Precision set to 1, then you cannot change the Exp. Quantity from 3 to 3.2 or 3.252 but you can change it to 4. For work centers and machine centers, this field is used for calculating the time requirement according to the following formula: Time requirement = Tr + Te/Lot size * Exp. Quantity |
Location Code | Main location code from the item card. This default can be changed as needed. |
Exp. Quantity Unit of Measure | Unit of measure of the Exp. Quantity field. |
Part Type | Indicates the part type of the item (does not apply for capacity items and resources). Defaults from the Master BOM (or item master if entered manually) and can be modified here on a BOM basis. If the Part Type = Standard on a parent item, and the Type, No., Exp. Quantity, Setup Time, Run Time fields are changed on a component line, or a component line is inserted or deleted, a message opens asking to change the Part Type to Production on the parent item(s). |
Setup Time | Setup time for the series of operations (only relevant with the Type of Work Center or Machine Center). |
Run Time | Processing time for the series of operations (only relevant with the Type of Work Center or Machine Center). |
Status | Specifies the status of the BOM line, which controls whether the current line is recognized as included in supply planning (see General FastTab) or whether a production order can be generated. - Open: Lines with this status are neither included in supply planning (can be set in the Configure to Order Setup page), nor can a production order be generated. - Released: Lines with this status are included in supply planning if this is defined in the Configure to Order Setup page, and a production order can be generated. - Closed: This status must be set manually. |
Unit Cost (CC) | Cost price of the BOM line. The cost price is either defaulted from the master data or calculated from the configuration. |
Unit Amount (CC) | Cost amount of the BOM line. |
Freeze Unit Cost (CC) | If selected, prevents the cost from being overwritten manually or when running the Update Unit Cost & Price function. For more information, see General Price Handling and Update Unit Costs and Prices. |
Shipment Date | The date on which the component must be available. This date is calculated from the Schedule function of the document BOM or construction order. Generally, it is dependent on the start date of the series of operations (see the Starting Date field). The proposed value can be changed manually. |
Starting Date | The start date is calculated through the scheduling. In the case of series of operations (Type is set to Work Center, Machine Center or Resource) the start date of the series of operations is entered here. The field can be changed manually. NOTE: For components of an assembly group that are linked to a routing line via a Routing Link Code, the Due Date is based on the Starting Date from the routing line. |
Ending Date | The end date is calculated through the scheduling. In the case of series of operations (Type is set to Work Center, Machine Center, or Resource), the end date of the series of operations is entered here. The field can be changed manually. |
Due Date | The due date is calculated through the scheduling. In the case of items, the due date of the components is entered here. The field can be changed manually. |
Concurrent Capacities | Specifies the number of machines or persons that are working concurrently. The default value is "1" for all line types. However, if a different number is specified in the Machine Center Card, that value is used instead. For Work Centers and Machine Centers, this value is transferred to the Routings of the Production Order. This field can be changed manually. |
Transfer to Sales Document | Determines if the Document BOM (where Type = Item, Resource, or Account(G/L)) will be transferred to the current Sales Quote/Order lines when the Transfer Lines to Sales Document function is run. For more information, see Transfer Lines to Sales Documents. |
Calculation Group Code | Groups items, work centers, machine centers, resources, or G/L accounts for calculation purposes (see Calculation Groups in Order-Related BOMs). |
Entry No. | Number of the BOM line. The number is automatically assigned and cannot be edited. |
Belongs to Entry No. | Specifies the higher-level BOM item to which the current line belongs. The field cannot be edited. |
Level Line No. | Sequential numbering of all BOM lines in a level. The field cannot be edited. |
Entry No. Representation | Number sequence used for the final multi-level sequence of the BOM. |
Description 2 – Description 5 | Descriptions from the Item Card. These descriptions are copied into the master BOM and can be changed as needed. |
Variant Code | Number of the item variant if a variant item is selected. |
Length | Identifies a length measurement. |
Width | Identifies a width measurement. |
Weight | Identifies a weight measurement. |
Depth | Identifies a depth measurement. |
Calculation Formula | Determines how the Quantity field is calculated. The options are: - <Blank>: Quantity = Quantity per - Length: Quantity = Length * Quantity per - Length * Width: Quantity = Length * Width * Quantity per - Length * Width * Depth: Quantity = Length * Width * Depth * Quantity per - Weight: Quantity = Weight * Quantity per - Fixed Quantity: Quantity = Quantity per (see Microsoft Documentation for more information). - Recipe: Used with the integration of COSMO Process Manufacturing (see Integration of COSMO Process Manufacturing). |
Quantity per | Identifies a quantity per value; functions the same as in standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. |
Quantity | Shows the quantity, which is needed by the component to manufacture a unit of a higher-level item. This field is automatically updated based on the Quantity per field and – if the Calculation Formula field was filled in – the values in the Length, Width, Weight, and/or Depth fields. |
Exp. Quantity (Base) | The quantity for the item in the line, expressed in base units. The application automatically fills in this field. |
Quantity (Base, Parent) | The quantity for the item from the higher-level position in the BOM structure, expressed in base units. The application automatically fills in this field. |
Spare Part | Defaults from the Master BOM (or item master if entered manually) and can be changed on a BOM basis. |
Wear Part | Defaults from the Master BOM (or item master if entered manually) and can be changed on a BOM basis. |
Separate Prod. Order | Defaults from the Item Card or the master BOM and can be changed if necessary but can only be selected if Part Type = Production. This field controls whether a separate production order is created for this line when a production order is generated (by choosing the Create Separate Prod. Order action). |
Sep. Prod. Order Exists | Indicates if a separate production order was created for the line via the Create Separate Prod. Order action. You cannot delete a document BOM line if a separate production order exists unless the production order has been finished; otherwise, you must delete the separate production order before deleting the document BOM line. |
Formula Quantity | Defaults from the master BOM. |
Setup Time Unit of Meas. Code | Time unit in which the setup time is planned (only relevant with the Type of Work Center or Machine Center). |
Run Time Unit of Meas. Code | Time unit in which the processing time is planned (only relevant with the Type of Work Center or Machine Center). |
Lot Size | Lot size in which the component is manufactured and to which the processing time relates (only relevant when work centers or groups of work centers are used). |
Information Line | Corresponds to the Part Type field on the Item Card (see Config. to Order FastTab). If the item has a Part Type set to Production, it is not relevant for requirements itself, but is relevant for its sub-items. In this case, the Information Line checkbox is selected. This checkbox is not selected for the sub-items. |
Sub BOM | Indicates whether the line has a substructure in the document BOM or construction order. Any master or manufacturing BOM that exists for the item is not displayed. |
Department Code | When entering a document number, the program retrieves the Department Code from the sales header. |
Project Code | When entering a document number, the program retrieves the Project Code from the sales header. |
Unit Price | Sales price of the BOM line. |
Line Discount % | The line discount percentage that is valid for the item on the line. |
Line Discount Amount | The amount of the line discount. |
Order Tracking Relevance | System-internal field used for calculations within requirements planning. |
Separate Delivery | Determines if the component is planned for a separate delivery (see Separate Delivery of Semi-Finished Goods). |
Schedule Manually | If selected, the line is not included in the Schedule function. |
Needed Time | Shows the sum of time based on the Needed Time field entries in the BOM Cap. Need page which were created when scheduling the BOM. Choosing the value in this field opens the BOM Cap. Need page that lists the entries. For example, if there are three entries in the BOM Cap. Need page with Needed Time = 5, 6, and 10, then the Needed Time field in the Document BOM will show 21. |
Item/Variant Created | Specifies that this Item or Item Variant was created and changed by using the Create Item & BOMs action. |
Wait Time | Wait time for the series of operations (only relevant with the Type of Work Center or Machine Center). If this move time should be calculated with the help of the configuration feature, it is necessary to insert an attribute with a formula. The attribute is defined on the Dyn. BOM FastTab of the Configure to Order Setup page in the Variable for Wait Time field. |
Move Time | Move time for the series of operations (only relevant with the Type of Work Center or Machine Center). If this move time should be calculated with the help of the configuration feature, it is necessary to insert an attribute with a formula. The attribute is defined on the Dyn. BOM FastTab of the Configure to Order Setup page in the Variable for Move Time field. |
Wait Time Unit of Meas. Code | Time unit in which the wait time is planned (only relevant with the Type of Work Center or Machine Center). |
Move Time Unit of Meas. Code | Time unit in which the move time is planned (only relevant with the Type of Work Center or Machine Center). |
Position 2 and Position 3 | Specifies the position number. These fields are used to enter the drawing position numbers of an associated CAD or design drawing. |
Production Lead Time | A lead time can be entered here. When a production order is generated from the construction order, the value entered here is taken over as the lead time for the component in the production order. |
Scrap % | A scrap percentage can be entered here. When a production order is generated from the construction order, the value entered here for the component is transferred into the Scrap % field on the production order. |
Send-Ahead Quantity | Specifies the output of the operation that must be completed before the next operation can be started. |
Standard Task Code | Indicates the Standard Task Code for the document BOM line. |
Base Material | A base material can be entered here. If a base material is already assigned to the item card, it will default to the document BOM when created. |
Production View Link | Identifies the production view code for the assembly unit that will be linked to the component. |
Belongs to Prod. View Link | Indicates which assembly unit this component is linked to and thus will become part of its configuration when viewing the construction order in the production view. |
Purchase Exists | Indicates whether there is a purchase quote/order or requisition line for a G/L account or component line (see Create Purchase Documents for G/L Accounts and Components and Document BOM Planning Pool). |
Purchase Status | Indicates whether a purchase quote/order or requisition line for a G/L account or component has been created or posted (see Create Purchase Documents for G/L Accounts and Components). Choosing the value in this field directly opens the corresponding Purchase Quote/Purchase Order/Requisition Worksheet page. |
Parallel Operation Code | Provides a simplified process for defining parallel routings. |
Operation No. / Next Operation No. / Previous Operation No. | Offers the same function as in standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central routings. In the Document BOM line, these fields only work if Type = Work Center or Machine Center. |
Long-Lead Item | Setting from the Item Card that identifies if the item needs a longer time to be delivered or produced. Choosing the value in this field opens the Items page, filtered on the item, regardless if the value is Yes or No. |
Unit Amount | Sales amount of the BOM line. |
Routing Link Code | This code is used to connect material with a series of operations. In COSMO Discrete Manufacturing, this code is used to assign material provided for an external manufacturing step. |
Enclosure | Indicates material provided for external processing. |
Enclosure Drop Shipment | Indicates material provided for external processing that must be drop shipped to the vendor. |
Reserved Quantity | When reservation items have been generated for this position (for example, from the date of promised delivery) the reserved quantity is displayed here. Choosing the value in the field opens the relevant reservation items in order to process the reservations. |
Reserved Qty. (Base) | Specification of the reserved quantity in relation to the component's base unit. |
Reserve | Defines whether and how reservations can be made for the item. This is standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central functionality. |
Type Production Structure | Used with the integration of COSMO Process Manufacturing (see BOM Lines). |
Share % | Used with the integration of COSMO Process Manufacturing (see Calculate Quantity Per from Share of Recipe). |
Constr. Inquiry Status | Indicates if one or more construction inquiries exist for the line and the status(es). Choosing the empty field gives the option to create the Construction Inquiry. If the field is filled in with a status, choosing the status will open the Construction Inquiry or the list of Construction Inquiries. For more information, see Construction Inquiry. |
Reserved From | Indicates which line or entry the items are reserved from. |
Line Text exists | If you have the integration with Advanced Manufacturing Suite (AMS), this field is available. For more information, see Text in document BOM. |
The fields at the bottom of the Document BOM page are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Changed | Indicates if something within the Document BOM has changed (for example, a dummy item is replaced by a selected item or the Document BOM has been changed since the Document BOM page was opened). |
Constr. Inquiry Status | Indicates if one or more construction inquiries exist for the entire Document BOM and the status(es). Choosing the ellipsis button gives the option to create the Construction Inquiry for the entire Document BOM. If the field is filled in with a status, choosing the ellipsis button will open the Construction Inquiry or the list of Construction Inquiries. For more information, see Construction Inquiry. |
Action Bar
The actions on the actions bar are described in the following table.
Action | Description |
Request BOM | Opens a dialog page that enables the complete master BOM or production BOM/routing of the item in the sales line to be opened. However, to do this all the document BOM lines must be deleted first. - If a master BOM exists for the item, it is displayed in the top of the page. - If no production BOM or routing exists for the item, the related toggles are inactive. - If a production BOM and routing exists for the item, the toggles are active and the description of each is shown to the right. If there is a master BOM, the toggles are turned off. If there is no master BOM, the toggles are turned on automatically. To choose the production BOM/routing over the master BOM, turn on the toggles. In any case, you can decide whether only one or all levels of the BOM need to be opened and then choose the OK button to assign the BOM to the sales line as the document BOM. NOTE: If a production BOM/routing exists but a master BOM doesn't exist, you will get an error if you turn off the toggles and choose the OK button. When the configuration feature in COSMO Discrete Manufacturing is used, the BOM is calculated using formulas when it is opened and configured on an order-related basis (see Dynamic Master BOM). |
Open Next Level | In a multi-level BOM, opens a new page that displays entries of the next level only. |
Create Separate Prod. Order | Creates a separate production order for the document BOM line. |
Schedule | With this function, scheduling occurs based on the document BOM. In this case, scheduling considers all the times for resources, work centers and groups of work centers. The items are always scheduled so that they must be available to an assembly at the start of the first series of operations. Limited capacities are taken into consideration. The following types of scheduling are possible: - Forward: Scheduling of the document BOM is performed for the future starting at the start date. The Starting Date field must be completed manually. - Backward: Scheduling of the document BOM is performed backward starting at the end date. The Ending Date field must be completed manually. NOTE: Different results can occur between scheduling with the Document BOM and the Production Order because COSMO Discrete Manufacturing schedules to the day, but the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Manufacturing module schedules to the second. |
Transfer Due Date in Shipment Date | Enables the schedule result to be transferred to the Shipment Date field on the document BOM lines. |
Release | Changes the status of all Document BOM lines to Released. Additionally, a variant code will be created automatically for released lines with Part Type = Purchase. |
Reopen | Changes the status of all Document BOM lines back to Open. |
Update Unit Cost & Price | Updates the unit cost and unit price of lines (Type <> G/L Account, Purchase Status <> Purchase Posted) with the current costs and prices. If something has really changed, the Changed field will be set to TRUE while the page is open. For more information, see Update Unit Costs and Prices. |
Move Left | Moves the marked position up one level in the BOM structure. |
Move Right | Moves the marked position down one level in the BOM structure. |
Matrix per Version | Opens the DM BOM Matrix per Version Matrix page, which compares the containing components from all Document BOMs, Construction Orders, and Production Orders that belong together, including their archived versions. For more information, see Compare CTO BOMs with Matrix per Version. |
Actions Menu
The actions on the Actions menu are described in the following table.
Action | Description |
Request BOM from Line | Opens the Master BOM for the component in a document BOM line, if it has its own master BOM. |
Components Planning Pool | Opens the Document BOM Planning Pool page, which shows the availability of all required components. For more information, see Document BOM Planning Pool. |
Create Construction Inquiry (whole BOM) | Creates a construction inquiry for the entire Document BOM (see Construction Inquiry). |
Open Construction Inquiry (whole BOM) | Opens the construction inquiry or inquiries created for the entire Document BOM (see Construction Inquiry). |
Cut | Enables individual items, multiple items and complete structures from the same or a different document BOM to be cut and copied to the clipboard. |
Copy | Enables individual items, multiple items and complete structures from the same or a different document BOM to be copied to the clipboard. |
Paste | Enables individual items, multiple items and complete structures that were copied to the clipboard from the same or a different document BOM to be inserted here. |
Assign New Line No. | Enables the document BOM to be renumbered. This is necessary when no further new lines can be added to the document BOM using the Auto Split Key function of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. |
Reserve | Enables reservations to be made manually (for example, from the warehouse stock). |
Reservation Entries | Displays the reserved quantity of reservation items that have been generated for this position (for example, from the date of promised delivery). |
Purch. G/L Acc./Item | Creates a purchase quote/order or requisition line for a component or against a G/L account for an item that does not yet exist for demand and normally would never be created (see Create Purchase Documents for G/L Accounts and Components and Document BOM Planning Pool). |
Structure Representation | Displays the document BOM in a tree-structure where you can expand or collapse the different levels. If you have the integration with Advanced Manufacturing Suite (AMS), the Document Box FactBox from COSMO Document Management System is available in the Structure Master BOM Lines page. For the more information, see Integration of COSMO Document Management System. |
Switch Const.-/Prod. View | Switches between the construction and the production view. |
Transfer Lines to Sales Document | Transfers all Document BOM Lines with Transfer to Sales Document = Yes to the current Sales Quote/Order lines. If the marked component (item) is an assembly group, a new Document BOM (with the copied assembly group) will be assigned to the new Sales Line. The source Document BOM Lines are deleted after transferring to the Sales Lines. Additionally, existing reservations are transferred to the target lines. For more information, see Transfer Lines to Sales Documents. |
Create Items & BOMs | Creates new Production BOMs and Master BOMs using the Document BOM line. New Items are also created and will be written to the Document BOM line. For more information, see Create Items and BOMs. If the integration of COSMO Process Manufacturing is used, this action will create a new Production Structure using the Document BOM line. |
Related Menu
The actions on the Related menu are described in the following table.
Action | Description |
Attributes (DM) | Opens the attributes that were assigned to the document BOM line. Attributes can also be assigned manually here. |
Characteristic Search Tree | See Search Characteristics. |
Calculation | Opens the Calculation Card or Calculations page to create a new calculation or to view an existing calculation (see Integration of COSMO Calculation). |
Item Tracking Lines | Opens the Item Tracking Lines where you can assign item tracking to components that are subject to management in batches or by serial numbers. This is standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central item tracking functionality. |
Create Construction Inquiry | Creates a construction inquiry for the selected Document BOM line (see Construction Inquiry). |
Open Construction Inquiry | Opens the construction inquiry or inquiries created for the selected Document BOM line (see Construction Inquiry). |
Comments | Comments can be informatively entered. The meaning and handling correspond to standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. |
Dimensions | Opens the Dimension Set Entries page, which displays the non-editable dimensions assigned to the Document BOM line. |
Tools | Tools information can be informatively entered. The meaning and handling correspond to standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. |
Personnel | Personnel information can be informatively entered. The meaning and handling correspond to standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. |
Quality Measures | Quality measures can be informatively entered. The meaning and handling correspond to standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. |
Line Texts | If you have the integration with Advanced Manufacturing Suite (AMS), this action is available. For more information, see Text in document BOMs. |
Drawing Set | If you have the integration with Advanced Manufacturing Suite (AMS), this action is available. For more information, see Drawings in COSMO Discrete Manufacturing. |
Eng. Change Notices | If you have the integration with Advanced Manufacturing Suite (AMS), this action is available. For more information, see Engineering Change Notices in Document BOMs. |
The Document BOM Details FactBox provides information about the selected Document BOM line, including access to the card of the related type, availability, substitutions, sales prices and line discounts, attributes, production view, and rounding precision.
If you have the integration with Advanced Manufacturing Suite (AMS), the Document Box FactBox from COSMO Document Management System is available. For more information, see Integration of COSMO Document Management System.
If you have the integration with Advanced Manufacturing Suite (AMS), the Drawing Set FactBox from COSMO Product Data Management is available. For more information, see Drawings in COSMO Discrete Manufacturing.
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