This section explains the basic setup for the Process Management module.
Workflow Setup
In the Workflow Setup, you enter general parameters for using COSMO Workflow. The Workflow Setup page is accessed using Tell Me. Choose the icon, enter Workflow Setup, and then choose the related link.
General FastTab
The fields on the General FastTab are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Activate Appl. Area | Makes pages and controls visible for COSMO Workflow (see App Activation). |
Workflow active | If the toggle is turned on, all COSMO Workflow functions are available for the current client. It is turned on by default. |
Access Conflict Handling | The reaction for Task Handling Conflicts caused by processing a task by different users will be selected in this field. An access conflict exists, if a user wants to process a task out of the Workflow Portal, which was already started by someone else. The application records the User ID of the processor and the processing time in the task. This field is the default value for the same field in the Workflow Line. The options are: - Message – The user receives a message in the Workflow Portal that the task has already been taken over by another user. Nevertheless, the user can process the task, for example, because the assigned pages are opened. - Error – The user receives an error message in the workflow portal that the task has already been taken over by another user. The editing of the task is interrupted (for example, because the assigned page is not opened) and prevents multiple users from processing the same task via the Workflow Portal. - None – No message will be generated in a conflict situation and processing of the task is not prevented. |
Task Logging Type | Determines how detailed the processing of Workflow Tasks should be logged. The options are: - Simple – Only basic events are logged in the task log. - Full – All actions are logged. |
Exception Team Code | If the recipient team cannot be determined, the team selected here (for example, Administrator) is used as task recipient. |
Approval Code Length | Defines the length/the number of characters of the Approval Code. It is possible to approve an approval request with a code, which you receive, for example, by email. Enter the approval code in the Workflow Portal. The application searches the associated approval request and approves it. |
Check Checksum upon Approval | This field controls whether the checksum of the field contents of the record, which should be approved, matches even now of the approval with the checksum of the approval request. If data is changed in the meantime, the present approval request will no longer get approved. |
Checksum includes FlowFields | This field controls whether calculated fields of the record should be considered in the generation of the checksum. |
Error Behavior | Specifies how the error is displayed. The options are: - Message + Silent Error – A warning message will be displayed informing about the error. - Error Message – An error message is displayed. |
Numbering FastTab
Choose the Numbering FastTab to set up the different number series for the various elements in the workflow system.
In this FastTab, specify the number series that will be used for the automatic assignment of numbers in events, conditions, task templates, workflows, generated workflow tasks, and approval conditions.
There must be a serial number provided in the Task Nos. field, otherwise no workflow tasks can be created.
Email FastTab
The fields on the Email FastTab are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Email Account enabled | Controls whether the email account is enabled. |
Create Email | Controls whether for new tasks a record for sending as email should be created in the Message Buffer table. Note: In the User Setup page, there should be an address specified in the E-Mail field. |
Send Email immediately | If the toggle is turned on, an email based on a task is sent by the client immediately. Alternatively, emails can be sent in batch using the Send message function from the Message Buffer or centrally by the middle tier. Caution: It is recommended that the message buffer is sent periodically by the middle tier. |
Use Email Setup from | Specifies if the email setup from the SMTP Mail Setup or Workflow Setup is used to send emails. Note: The SMTP interface needs a special software component. You must fill the SMTP Server, SMTP User Name, and SMTP Server Password fields in the User Setup page – but only if the users need an authentication, which is different from the Workflow Setup. |
Copy Recipient (CC) | If all emails about new tasks are supposed to be archived in an email inbox, enter the relevant email address. |
Note: | The following fields are available only with selected E-Mail Interface SMTP. |
HTML Formatted | Controls whether emails should be sent in text or HTML format. Note: To use a notification mail template, this checkbox must be selected. |
SMTP Email | Specifies the email address, which is used as sender. |
SMTP Server | Specifies the name or the IP address of the SMTP server. |
SMTP Server Port | Specifies the port of the SMTP server. Port 25 is the default setting. |
SMTP Authentication | There are several authentication methods which are supported by the SMTP server. The options are: - Anonymous – The SMTP server does not need authentication. - NTLM (NT LAN Manager) – Authentication against the SMTP server is done by using the credential of the Windows User Login. - Basic – Authentication is done by user ID and password. - OAuth 2.0 - OAuth Authentication is used. |
SMTP User ID | In this field you should enter the user name when using authentication Standard. |
SMTP Password | In this field you should enter the password of the deposited user name when using authentication Standard. |
Secure Connection | Indicates whether your SMTP email server setup requires a secure connection that uses a cryptography or security protocol, such as Secure Socket Layer (SSL). Turn off the toggle if you do not want to enable this security setting. |
Notification Template | Specifies if a template is already imported. |
Use Notification Template | Controls if an email template should be used. Using the Import action on the Notification Mail Template menu, the desired template can be imported. |
Web Client Address | Specifies the address of the web client. |
Field Security FastTab
For more information about the Field Security FastTab, see the Field Security Setup.
Job Queue FastTab
The Job Queue FastTab contains the Days Overdue until Reminder field. Insert a number to establish a Reminder Task after a certain number of days the open Workflow Task is overdue. If the Due Date of an open Workflow Task is exceeded, a pre-configured Job Queue can automatically set up a reminder task in the Workflow Portal of the responsible Workflow Team. For more information, see Task Categories.
Workflow Portal FastTab
The fields in the Workflow Portal FastTab provide different presentation styles and status pictures for date status, as well as filtering and sorting by task category.
Group | Field | Description |
Due Date Styles | Overdue Task Style | For mapping the characteristics to an explicit status, select an appropriate code in the Overdue Task Style field (due date is exceeded). |
Due Task Style | For mapping the characteristics to an explicit status, select an appropriate code in the Due Task Style field (due date is the current day). | |
Undue Task Style | For mapping the characteristics to an explicit status, select an appropriate code in the Undue Task Style field (due date is in the future). | |
Without Due Date Task Style | For mapping the characteristics to an explicit status, select an appropriate code in the Without Due Date Style field. For more information, see Due Date Styles. | |
Task Categories | On Hold File Task Category / Enquiry Task Category | Select a code in the fields for each type. So the user has the possibility to filter and sort for Task Categories in the Workflow Portal. The improved overview will be supported by status pictures (see Task Categories). |
The actions on the Workflow Setup page are described in the following table.
Menu | Action | Description |
Home | Create Teams from Users | It is possible to create Workflow Teams (Single User Teams) from existing Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central logins automatically by choosing Create Teams from Users on the Process menu. New Workflow Teams with a user name will be only created for users with License Type = Full User. Already existing Workflow Teams won't be changed. |
Application Settings | Email Setup | Choose Email Setup on the Application Settings menu to set up the integration and security of the mail server at your site that handles emails. |
System Settings | Users | |
Permission Sets | ||
Notification Mail Template | Import / Export / Delete | To adjust the template of the email notification, choose one of the actions from the Notification Mail Template menu. There are three options to work on the template. The template is used when sending information for a new task. Note: COSMO CONSULT provides the template along with the Demo Company. This template can be copied to other databases. This procedure is recommended for a secured utilization of the templates. For more information about how to use notification templates, refer to your COSMO CONSULT consultant. |
Information | About | View the current product version and copyright information. |
Actions | App Licensing > Open the License Overview | Opens the COSMO License Overview page, which lists the license status of the COSMO app and allows you to register the app and perform other administrative licensing tasks. For more information, see App Licensing and Registration. |
Task Categories
On the Task Categories page, you can define priorities (for example, low, normal, urgent, or simply 1, 2, 3) or categories (for example, Item, Customer, Order) for tasks which you can then assign to task templates. Users can see the task category in their workflow portal (inbox) which helps them to prioritize and structure their work.
Setting up Task Categories
- The Task Categories page is accessed using Tell Me. Choose the
icon, enter Task Categories, and then choose the related link.
- Choose the New action to add a new Task Category.
- Enter a code in the Code field for the new Task Category.
- Enter a description in the Description field for the new Task Category.
- If required, select the Create Due Reminder checkbox.
The Status Picture feature is currently disabled due to compatibility issues.
Workflow Categories
On the Workflow Categories page, you can set up the categories (for example, Item, Customer, etc.) that you want to use to structure your different types of workflows.
The Workflow Categories page is accessed using Tell Me. Choose the icon, enter Workflow Categories, and then choose the related link.
When setting up the workflow categories, proceed in the same way as for the task categories.
Workflow categories are used to group workflows. These categories can be assigned to workflows and approval conditions.
Task Priorities
On the Task Priorities page, you set priorities, for example normal, high, and low. Assign these priorities to a Task Template. In the Workflow Portal, the user has the possibility to filter or sort by the Task Priority. In the Status Picture field, it is possible to add an appropriate icon for the priority.
- The Task Priorities page is accessed using Tell Me. Choose the
icon, enter Task Priorities, and then choose the related link.
- In the Code field, it is possible to enter up to 20 characters and in the Description field up to 50 characters.
The Status Picture feature is currently disabled due to compatibility issues.
- Select the Default checkbox to set up one priority as standard. This setting will automatically be chosen for follow-up and for ad hoc messages in the Send Message page.
Due Date Styles
With the Due Date Styles, it is possible to influence the appearance of a task, especially of the Task No. and the Due Date, in the Workflow Portal.
The image you like to set as Status Picture is freely selectable. It is used to differentiate the due date visually from each other. This facilitates the processing for the user.
- The Due Date Styles page is accessed using Tell Me. Choose the
icon, enter Due Date Styles, and then choose the related link.
- In the Code field, it is possible to enter up to 20 characters and in the Description field up to 50 characters.
- To select the style, choose the drop-down arrow in the Style field. The options are:
- None – Standard
- Standard – Standard (Equal to None)
- StandardAccent – Cyan
- Strong – Bold
- StrongAccent – Cyan + Bold
- Attention – Red + Italic
- AttentionAccent – Cyan + Italic
- Favorable – Bold + Green
- Unfavorable – Bold + Italic + Red
- Ambiguous – Deep Yellow
- Subordinate – Gray
The Status Picture feature is currently disabled due to compatibility issues.
COSMO Workflow User Setup
The COSMO Workflow User Setup page contains user-specific parameters for COSMO Workflow.
The COSMO Workflow User Setup page is accessed using Tell Me. Choose the icon, enter COSMO Workflow User Setup, and then choose the related link.
The user-specific fields in the COSMO Workflow User Setup page are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
User ID | To send a notification to a new task additionally by E-Mail, you must associate the email address of the User to the appropriate User ID. |
To send notifications about new tasks as email, you must associate the email address of the User to the appropriate User ID. | |
Ignore Field Security | Determines if any field permissions will be ignored for this user (full access). This option might apply to administrators, management, etc., users who despite activated field security should have unrestricted access to the application. |
Workflow Team Code | Workflow Team Code links a user with the respective workflow team. |
Workflow Administrator | Determines if it is possible to assign special rights, for example, cancelling of tasks, to a user. The setting should be considered carefully and is only applicable for administrators. |
Document Category Filter | Use the Document Category Filter field to enter a filter to limit the visibility of workflow documents for a user. |
Workflow Teams | Specifies the number of different Workflow Teams the User is assigned to. |
The following columns are not displayed by default but can be displayed if required.
Field | Description |
Workflow Password | To use the Password option Required at the completion of Workflow tasks, you must assign a Workflow Password to the user. |
Deactivate Workflow upon login | Determines if the workflow system turns off as soon as the user logs on to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. The Workflow active toggle in the Workflow Setup page is automatically turned off. |
Workflow Standard Text
On the Workflow Standard Text page, you can create standard texts which can be inserted in a task template or inserted when forwarding a task and putting it on hold using the Send Message page respectively.
In addition, standard texts help users to initiate ad hoc workflows more efficiently by using these pre-defined texts.
Setting up a new standard text
- Choose the
icon, enter Workflow Standard Text, and then choose the related link.
- In the No. field, enter a unique code for the Standard Text. The code has a maximum length of 20 characters.
- In the Workflow Category field, you can group the standard text with a code. For doing so, use the drop-down and select an appropriate category.
- The Description can be used for further explanation of the standard text and will not be included in the actual message text. The description has a maximum length of 50 characters.
- To add text, enter it in the Text field below. Each line has a maximum length of 80 characters.
- Repeat step 5 as often as required to create additional text lines. Select a line and enter the text you would like to define.
Workflow Object Properties
On the Workflow Object Properties page, you can link a table to a page or report (to define the source table of the object). Entering these data is not obligatory.
With the help of this information, the Table ID field in workflows is filled automatically. In a workflow, this field can also be filled manually in the workflow lines.
Additionally, it is possible to use the Select as Document checkbox to select the page that should be used as URL for master documents.
The Workflow Object Properties page is accessed using Tell Me. Choose the icon, enter Workflow Object Properties, and then choose the related link.
Choose the Generate Object Properties action on the action bar to generate the entries in this table automatically. To use this function first, the Pages and Reports must be exported in a text file using the Object Designer.
The exported file can then be referenced in the Generate Object Properties routine. If you are unable to export your objects to a text file, contact your COSMO CONSULT consultant.
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