Compare CTO BOMs with Matrix per Version
In Document BOMs and Construction Orders, the Matrix per Version function opens the DM BOM Matrix per Version Matrix page, which compares the containing components from all Document BOMs and Construction Orders that belong together, including their archived versions.
In the DM BOM Matrix per Version Matrix page, lines in which the expected quantity of a component has changed are marked with a bold description. The columns of the valid BOMs (not archived) are marked green. The archived version is noted by the number in parentheses.
In the General section, use the Show Column Name field to change the matrix as follows:
- Type – The type of document: Document BOM (Quote), Document BOM (Order), Construction Order
- BOM No. – The number of the BOM, for example, Quote DB000001, Order DB000001, CO000001
Additionally, choose the Card action to open the item card of the selected line in the matrix.
To ensure that archived component information is available when making a Sales Order from a Sales Quote, set the Archives Quotes field to Question or Always and turn on the Archive Orders toggle on the Archiving FastTab in the Sales & Receivables Setup page.
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