Assembly Orders
When an Assembly Order is created during the procurement release process, the lines from the assembly BOM are transferred either from the exploded lines in Project Budget Calculation or the lines from the assembly BOM. The costs and prices from the Project Budget Calculation or assembly BOM are transferred to the assembly order lines and the date in the Procurement Finish Date field from procurement is used as the Ending Date in the Assembly Order. Related project information is available in the Project FastTab.
An inventory request is automatically created for the assembly order. If the Reserve Inv. Request for Assembly Order toggle is turned on in the Projects Setup page, then the assembly order is reserved against the inventory request automatically so that there is no requirement surplus. The reservation is visible in the Reserved Quantity field in the General FastTab on the Assembly Order and the Reserved Quantity field in the Lines FastTab on the Project Inventory Request.
Posting the assembly order only consumes the components for the assembly order and creates the assembly output; it has no influence on the project.
Posting the inventory request, regardless of reservation, will transfer costs as well as the quantities produced in assembly (assembly output) from the warehouse to the project.
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