This topic describes how to setup the DESADV_EXP transaction.
Setting Up the Export Path
The EDI Export Paths page contains all the necessary configurations to set up the export paths for exporting partner data for transaction code DESADV_EXP in the COSMO EDI. The EDI Export Paths page is accessed using the Tell Me feature. Choose the icon, enter EDI Export Paths, and then choose the related link.
General Setup
To facilitate the transfer of delivery notes, it is crucial to transfer various details, including the Serial Shipping Container Codes (SSCC). SSCC comprises your company's location reference and a unique package number. The EDI Setup page, where you can configure and set these essential numbers, is accessed using the Tell Me feature. Choose the icon, enter EDI Setup, and then choose the related link.
In addition, the Desadv FastTab contains the possibility to store a number series for creating serial shipping container codes.
The fields for setting up the delivery note transfer in the EDI Setup are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Company Location Reference | This number uniquely identifies your company worldwide and is part of the later created serial shipping container codes (SSCC), which you must transfer with the shipped goods. This enables a clear assignment of the origin of the goods. |
SSCC Nos. | Here you define the number series to be used when creating serial shipping container codes. This number series is automatically predefined by COSMO EDI during the initialization run and does not need to be adjusted. When you post a sales shipment and simultaneously store document packaging materials, these packaging materials are automatically assigned a new number from this number series. |
Furthermore, your partner needs your identification number in the transferred file to identify you as the sender of the shipment. Enter this identification number in the Our Identification No. field.
The fields for setting up a separate identification number of the delivery note transfer on the EDI Partner page are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Our Identification No. | Specifies your own identification number, which the recipient of your messages should use to check the sender. |
Our Identification Type | Specifies the type of your own identification number that the recipient of your messages should use to check the sender. The options are: - GLN - Your identification number is a GLN. It must have 13 digits. - DUNS - Your identification number is a DUNS. - DUNS with 4 digit suffix - Your identification number is a DUNS with 4-digit suffix. - Phone Number - Your identification number is a phone number. - BFA (BGA)-No. - Your identification number is a BFA (BGA) No. - DIN (German Institute for Standardization) - Your identification number is a number according to DIN. - Assigned by seller - Your identification number is a number assigned by the seller. - Assigned by buyer - Your identification number is a number assigned by the buyer. - Other - Your identification number is another number. The definition of the type of identification number is relevant for the transfer, since the type is also encrypted and transferred in EDIFACT messages. Therefore, if you specify that your identification number is a GLN (GLN), the recipient can check whether the transferred number is actually a valid GLN (GLN) and, if necessary, refuse to accept the data if this is not the case. |
Setting Up the EDI Partner
Next, you set up the EDI partner for sending the electronic delivery note.
You need to make some settings in the partner that relate directly to the posting of shipments and associated invoices and credit memos. For example, some customers may not have an invoice or credit memo that does not directly relate to a previous or simultaneous shipment. The partner settings are checked directly when posting sales invoices and credit memos and the corresponding shipments. Although this request from your partners is not directly related to the creation of the delivery note, this is explained here nevertheless, because an incorrectly created delivery note that does not have a 1:1 reference to an invoice or a credit memo may not be accepted by your partner.
You must also specify in the partner whether the partner wants or requires the specification of document packaging materials in its electronic delivery note.
The fields for setting up the delivery note on the EDI Partner Card and EDI Partner Transaction Card are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Force Shipment No. Export | If selected, a delivery note number must always be transferred with an invoice. This means that you can no longer post an invoice in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central without a directly assigned delivery. |
Numeric Document Numbers | If selected, the non-numerical characters that may be present in a delivery note number of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central are removed before they are transferred to your partner. |
Force Packaging Hierarchy | If selected, you can only export the delivery note if there are also document packaging materials for the posted sales delivery document and you have placed the goods shipment in a packaging material hierarchy. If this is not the case, the export cannot be posted in connection with the selected checkbox. |
Setting Up the Partner Transaction
Further details and settings related to the transaction can be configured by choosing EDI Partner Transactions.
The EDI Partners page is accessed using the Tell Me feature. Choose the icon, enter Transactions, and then select the related link.
To do this, create the new transaction DESADV_EXP and activate it by selecting the Active field.
In the partner transaction setup, you define, among other things, which data is transferred to the partner and which format it should have.
The fields for setting up the delivery note on the EDI Partner Transaction Card are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Internal Processing Key | In this field, you define which document from Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central should be sent to your partner as an electronic delivery notice. For sending a DESADV in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, there are several origin documents available: - 110 - A posted sales shipment is sent as DESADV. - 5744 - A posted transfer shipment is sent as DESADV. - 7322 - A posted shipment is sent as DESADV. |
Use Item Description | Select this check this box if you want to transfer the description of the item stored in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central in the delivery notice. |
Invoice GLN Handling | If you select the only if different from Buyer GLN option for the invoice export, the application will use the invoice addresses GLN to be transferred from the sales delivery (see below, INVOIC_EXP). |
Packaging Unit Handling | In this field, you specify whether the application should transfer the unit of measure specified in the delivery note or the base unit of the item and the associated quantities. The options are: - Packaging unit as specified by partner - In this case, the units contained in the delivery note are transferred and no quantity conversion of the delivered quantity takes place. - Use Base Unit of Measure - If you select this option, the unit and quantity of the delivery is converted to the base unit of the item and transferred. |
Show Sub-Packaging Units | If you select this checkbox, the document packaging materials are transferred with the electronic delivery note. |
Bilateral Reference Number | This number is transferred to your partner with every electronic delivery note. |
Process Zero Quantity Lines | If you select this checkbox, the system will also transfer item positions of the delivery note that do not contain any quantity information. |
Numeric VAT Registration No. | Select the checkbox so that the application transfers your VAT ID in purely numerical format. |
Date Format | Here you can define whether the time is transferred in addition to the delivery date. The options are: - Date - Only the date in the delivery note is transferred. - Date + Time - In addition to the date, the time is also transferred in the delivery note. |
Setting Up Document Packaging
You can already enter the document packaging materials in an order whose delivery, including the packaging material quantities and hierarchy used, is later transferred to your customer as an electronic delivery note.
Choose the EDI No. of attached Pack Lines number field in the relevant sales order. Document packaging materials are, for example, pallets, which in turn hold boxes for transporting the goods. If your customer wishes the transfer of the packaging material in the DESADV, you must enter this at this point or later in the delivery note.
The fields for recording the document packaging materials for the order on the EDI Document Packaging page are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Entry No. | This number is assigned automatically. A box, for example, later references this number to the pallet on which the box is placed. This reference is entered in the Attached to Entry No. field. |
Document Type | You can enter the document packaging materials in the sales order, in the sales delivery or in the transfer order, or in transfer shipment. The options are: - Sales Order - If you already enter the document packaging materials for the order, this option is entered here. If you post the order later, the document packaging materials entered are copied into the sales delivery and this field is automatically changed here. - Sales Shipment - If document packaging materials have been specified in the order and a posted sales shipment has been created for them, this option is selected. However, you can also enter document packaging materials for a sales delivery at a later date if you have not done so in the corresponding order. - Transfer Order - If you already enter the document packaging materials for the transfer order, this option is entered here. If you post the transfer order later, the document packaging materials entered are copied into the transfer shipment and this field is automatically changed here. - Transfer Shipment - If document packaging materials were specified in the transfer order and a posted transfer shipment was created for them, this option is selected. However, you can also enter document packaging materials for a transfer shipment at a later date if you have not done so in the corresponding transfer order. |
Document No. | In this field, you enter the document number of the sales or transfer order, sales shipment or posted transfer shipment for which you enter the packaging materials. |
Document Line No. | In this field, enter the line number of the document for which you want to enter the packages. |
Item No. | This field displays the item number from the assigned document line. |
Package Type | Here you select whether the current packaging material is a carrier packaging material such as a pallet or a packaging material filled with goods, such as a box. The options are: - Carrier (Pallet) - Select this option if the packaging material is a carrier packaging material. - Subelement (Box) - Select this option if the packaging material is one that contains the goods to be shipped. |
SSCC Start No. | In this field, you can manually enter the serial shipping container code SSCC. The SSCC is placed on pallets to uniquely identify them. If you have not entered a number here, the number is automatically assigned when the delivery note for the order is posted from the number series SSCC numbers stored in the EDI Setup. A SSCC is only issued for pallets, not for boxes. You also have the option of assigning numbers automatically using a function. This will be described later in this document. |
Attached to Entry No. | If the current packaging material is a sub-element such as a box, for example, and if it is shipped on a carrier packaging material, the Entry No. of the carrier packaging material, i.e. the pallet, in this field. This ensures that the hierarchy of the shipment is recorded. The hierarchy indicates, for example, how many pallets the shipment contains and how many boxes are on each pallet. The field can only be entered on packaging materials of packaging material type subelement (box). |
No. of Packages | In this field, enter how many packaging materials the current line contains. Packages of the package type Carrier(Pallet) can only have a 1 entered here, which means that you must enter a separate line for all pallets in a document. Multiplying this by the Fill quantity field gives the number of items contained in this line. |
Filling Quantity | In this field, enter the quantity of the item contained per packaging material. Together with the No. of Packages field, this results in the total quantity packed in the current line, which is displayed in the Total packed field. You can only enter a packed quantity in a package of packaging material type Subelement(Box). This means that you can only send items in sub-elements such as boxes. The pallets are only used to hold the boxes and cannot directly hold an item. |
Total packed | In this field, the quantity of the item packed with the line is calculated for all packages of the packaging material type Subelement(box). Total Packed = No. of Packages * Filling Quantity So if the current line has 5 packages with a filling quantity of 6 pieces per box, the total quantity for the current line is 30 pieces. |
NVE | The NVE or SSCC number, i.e. the unique number of the shipping unit, can be entered here. |
Label printed | If selected, the label for this SSCC has already been printed. |
If the delivery is posted to a sales order or the shipment to a stock transfer order and if document packaging materials have been set up in the order, COSMO EDI automatically transfers these packages to the generated delivery note or the posted transfer shipment. In the delivery note posted from an order with document packaging material, choose the EDI No. of attached Pack Lines, then you will see the packaging materials entered including the numbers of the shipping units for the pallets assigned by the system.
At this point, you could also adjust or completely add the document packaging materials if you missed this during order entry.
Automatic Assignment of SSCC Numbers
When you post a delivery for a sales order with existing document packaging materials, the system automatically assigns a SSCC Start No. for all carriers such as pallets. The application uses the number series defined in the EDI setup described above. If you now want to assign a SSCC Start No. before posting the shipment. This is possible using a function.
In the document packaging, choose Home > Assign SSCE Start No. and the next start numbers are taken from the number series. When you post the shipment, the system does not assign numbers again.
This means that you can create the hierarchy of the packaging materials used, assign SSCE numbers and print them when you create the order.
It is also possible to print the NVE labels in the EDI document packaging materials. You can print individual or all NVE labels.
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