Customer Item Specifications
Customer Item Specifications are used to define a customer and item/item category combination to be used with item tracking. With the From The Same Lot field, it is possible to limit the selection of lots in the Item Tracking Lines page to the same lot only.
In addition to Tell Me, the Customer Item Specifications page is accessible from the:
- Item Card, Actions menu > Quality Assurance
- Items list, Actions menu > Functions > Quality Assurance
- Customer Card, Related menu > Customer
- Customers list, Related menu > Sales
- Item Categories, Actions menu
In the Customer Item Specifications page, enter the combination of Customer with Item Category/Item, and then select the From The Same Lot checkbox if lots for this combination should always be selected from the same lot.
Later in the Item Tracking Lines page, an error opens when two different lots are entered for this customer/item combination.
The From the same Lot field is also accessible on the sales order line, which allows you to override the setting so that you can select from multiple lots per sales order.
This function does not apply to the Suggest Lots function (see Lot Suggestion).
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