Delivery Tolerances – Purchases
When an item is entered on a purchase order, the purchase delivery tolerance code from the item card is transferred in the order line and may be modified there. During the entry of the Qty. to Receive field, the delivery tolerance is checked. The following actions are possible:
- Quantity is increased and is over the tolerance = Error message
- Quantity is increased and is within the tolerance = Quantity is increased (if message accepted)
- Quantity is reduced and is within the tolerance = Quantity is reduced (if message accepted)
- Quantity is reduced and is over the tolerance = No changes
When changing the quantity within the tolerance, a delivery tolerance entry is created.
If the Qty. to Receive field is increased or changed back to the original value, the value in the Quantity field is also changed and the delivery tolerance entries are deleted.
The posting of a delivery tolerance is stored in the Delivery Tolerance Entries page, accessed by choosing:
- Line > Delivery Tolerance Entries on the Lines FastTab of the Purchase Order.
- Item > Delivery Tolerance Entries on the Actions menu on the Item Card or Items list page.
- Purchases > Delivery Tolerance Entries on the Related menu on the Vendor Card or Vendors list page.
- Line > Delivery Tolerance Entries on the Lines FastTab of the Posted Purchase Receipt.
After posting, the delivery tolerance entry cannot be modified.
If a warehouse receipt is created for an order, the check of over and under delivery is done by the Qty. to Receive field on the warehouse receipt line. If a delivery is canceled, the delivery tolerance entries are reopened.
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