Document Configurator Setup
The Document Configurator Setup page is opened using Tell Me. Choose the icon, enter Document Configurator Setup, and then choose the related link. This page includes setup to define label codes that are used by the system to print the top part of a report. The lookup of the fields goes to the Document Texts; it also contains a setup of Font Family and Font Size that is used for layouts and fields where those are not specified.
General FastTab
The fields on this FastTab are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Copy Label Code | Indicates the Document Text to be used for printing the Copy text on document copies. For example, DEU = Kopie, ENU = Copy; therefore, when DEU is used, Kopie will be displayed and when ENU is used, Copy will be displayed when copies are included in the generated document. |
Page Label Code | Indicates the Document Text to be used for printing the Page text on the documents. For example, DEU = Seite %1 von %2, ENU = Page %1 of %2; therefore, when DEU is used, depending on setup, Seite 1 of 3 will be displayed, and if ENU is used, Page 1 of 3 will be displayed when the document is generated. For FlowLayouts, the rendering takes place exclusively in the RDL, which means the maximum number of pages cannot be calculated. Therefore, use only the token for the current page number, for example DEU = Seite %1 and ENU = Page %1. |
Font Family | Identifies the Font Family used for printing field when no Font Family has been defined for the layout or field. |
Font Size | Indicates the Font Size used for printing field when no Font Size has been defined for the layout or field. If an input value is invalid, for example because the selected barcode does not support a certain character, printing will abort with an error message. |
Validate Barcode Input on Print | If this option is selected, the validity of the input values will be checked when printing with a barcode font. |
Suspend Doc. as PDF | This setting only applies to Document Layouts with Render Reports. Determines if it is possible to switch between the standard behavior of the Print actions, for example, the sales order confirmation, and a forced Print to PDF and download. If the toggle is turned off (default value), all Document Configurator reports that use Render Reports and are based on Dynamics 365 Business Central documents (layout templates: Blanket Purchase Order, Purchase Order, Purchase Quote, Return Shipment, Blanket Sales Order, Sales Order Confirmation, Sales Credit Memo, Sales Invoice, Sales Quote, Return Order Confirmation, Sales Shipment, Service Credit Memo, Service Invoice, Service Order, Service Shipment, Finance Charge, Issued Reminder, Transfer Order, Transfer Shipment, Work Order) and all warehouse documents (layout templates: Put-away List, Picking List, Warehouse Movement, Warehouse Shipment) are always printed as PDF files. To view or to print the report, the PDF file must be downloaded separately. The preview-feature of the reports is not available. |
Use dedicated Company Picture | If the toggle is turned on, the picture uploaded to the Company Picture field is used in COSMO Document Configurator reports instead of the picture set up in the Company Information. |
Company Picture | Upload a dedicated company picture for COSMO Document Configurator reports. Choose the ![]() |
Classic FastTab
The fields on this FastTab are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Max Pages per Document | Specifies the maximum number of pages that could be generated for a single document. This is used to avoid a configuration where the system goes into an infinite loop and start generating an infinite number of pages. The recommended setting is 1000. When a document reaches 1000 pages, it will do a hard stop and open an error message. |
Max Iterations per Section | Specifies the maximum number of iterations of a table. This is used to avoid a configuration where a filter is missing and the system generates thousands of sections. The recommended setting is 10000. Note: This field only works in combination with classic layouts, not with the flow layouts. |
Flow Layout FastTab
The fields on this FastTab are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Show Design Marks | Determines if the design marks, such as fold marks and address border, are shown. Note: This field only works in combination with flow layouts, not with the classic layouts. |
Carry Over Label Code Header | Indicates the carry over label caption to be used for the header label on the COSMO Document Configurator reports. |
Carry Over Label Code Footer | Indicates the carry over label caption to be used for the sum label at the end of the COSMO Document Configurator report. |
App Licensing FastTab
The fields on the App Licensing FastTab include the app license key, the validation period, status of the license and information regarding your license from the licensing server.
Action Bar
The actions on the Document Configurator Setup page are described in the following table.
Menu | Action | Description |
Process | Import Document Layouts | Run this function to import the base document layouts included with COSMO Document Configurator. Choose the Choose button. Locate and select the document layout file to import and then choose the Open button. |
Export Document Layouts | Run this function to export document layouts. Browse to the location to save the export file. | |
Add Custom Font | Add a custom font to the list of available fonts for document layout configuration. | |
Update Included Fonts | Updates the fonts included with Business Central in the list of available fonts for document layout configuration. | |
Actions > Fonts | Open Font List | Opens the list of fonts available for document layout configuration. |
Actions > App Licensing | License Overview | Opens the COSMO License Overview page. For more information, see App Licensing and Registration. |
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