Text in Sales and Document BOMs
Text from COSMO Text Module is available in the document BOM and transferred from the sales line to the construction order and production order.
If the Use Document Language Code toggle is turned on in the Setup - Text Module page and the Copy Line Texts To Sales Line action is used from the Checklist or Document BOM, only the text of the language that is defined in the Sales Order header is copied. If the Language Code in the Sales Order is empty, the Local Language Code from the Setup - Text Module page is used.
Text from checklists
Text added to checklist template lines is accessible in the document checklist for a sales line by choosing Line > Line Texts on the Lines FastTab or by choosing the Yes value in the Line Text exists field on the line. The text from multiple checklist lines can be copied to the sales line text if the Copy Text to Sales Line checkbox is selected on the lines.
To add text to sales document checklist
New text can be added in the Edit Text page opened as explained above.
- To use the Rich Text Editor, choose the Rich Text Editor or Rich Text Editor (Line Conversion) action (see Text Module Line).
- To add text without using the Rich Text Editor:
- In the Text field, enter the relevant text.
- In the Language Code field, enter the language for the text if necessary.
- Select the Italic, Bold, or Underline checkbox to add formatting.
- In the Color field, select the color of the text.
- Fill in the Print Mgt. Code as needed.
- Fill in additional lines as needed.
- Choose the Close button.
- Notice that the Line Text exists field is set to Yes.
To copy checklist text to sales line
Checklist text can be copied to the sales line from the document checklist using the Copy Line Texts to Sales Line action. Additionally, placeholders (e.g., #POWER#) will be replaced by the related variable values when the text is copied. For more information, see Placeholders.
In the checklist template, select the Copy Text to Sales Line checkbox on any lines with text that should be copied to the sales line. This setting will transfer to the document checklist line.
- Create the sales quote or order
- Open the checklist.
- Enter information as needed.
- Ensure that the Copy Text to Sales Line checkbox is selected on the lines with text to copy. This can be changed as needed.
- Choose the Copy Line Texts to Sales Line action.
- Choose the Yes button to copy the text and then close the confirmation message.
Running the Copy Line Texts to Sales Line action again will overwrite the previously copied text lines.
Text in document BOMs
Text added to master BOM lines is accessible when added to the document BOM line by choosing Line > Line Texts on the Related menu or by choosing the Yes value in the Line Text exists field on the line. The text from multiple document BOM lines can be copied to the sales line text if the Copy Text to Sales Line checkbox is selected on the lines.
To add text in document BOM lines
New text can be added in the Edit Text page as explained above.
- On the Lines FastTab, choose Line > Line Texts.
- To use the Rich Text Editor, choose the Rich Text Editor or Rich Text Editor (Line Conversion) action (see Text Module Line).
- To add text without using the Rich Text Editor:
- In the Text field, enter the relevant text.
- In the Language Code field, enter the language for the text if necessary.
- Select the Italic, Bold, or Underline checkbox to add formatting.
- In the Color field, select the color of the text.
- Fill in the Print Mgt. Code as needed.
- Fill in additional lines as needed.
- Choose the Close button.
In the Document BOM Details FactBox, the Line Text field indicates if text exists for the selected document BOM line. Choose the value to open the Edit Text page.
Text added to a document BOM is accessible from the Document BOM Header page the same as in the document BOM.
To copy document BOM text to sales line
Document BOM text can be copied to the sales line from the document BOM or directly from the sales line using the Copy Line Texts to Sales Line action.
In the master BOM, select the Copy Text to Sales Line checkbox on any lines with text that should be copied to the sales line. This setting will transfer to the document BOM line.
- Create the sales quote or order
- Process and close the checklist.
- Create/open the document BOM.
- Ensure that the Copy Text to Sales Line checkbox is selected on the lines with text to copy. This can be changed as needed.
- Copy the text from the:
- document BOM by choosing Function > Copy Line Texts to Sales Line on the Actions menu.
- sales document by choosing Line > Document BOM > Copy Line Texts to Sales Line on the Lines FastTab.
- Choose the Yes button to copy the text and then close the confirmation message.
Running the Copy Line Texts to Sales Line action again will overwrite the previously copied text lines.
Automatically Copy Line Texts to Sales Lines
Instead of completing separate steps starting with the checklist and ending with the copying of line texts from the Document BOM to text in the sales lines, you can use processes defined on a checklist to automatically:
- Copy line text from Checklist lines with the Copy Text to Sales Line checkbox to the lines text of the sales lines
- Create the Document BOM with a single function from the sales line
- Copy line text from all Document BOM lines with the Copy Text to Sales Line checkbox selected to the line text of the sales line
- In the Checklist Template, turn on the Auto. Transfer Checklist Text, Auto. Create Document BOM, and Auto. Transfer BOM Text toggles in the General FastTab.
- Ensure that the Copy Text to Sales Line checkbox is selected on the Checklist Template and Master BOM lines that have text to transfer.
- Create the sales quote or order.
- Open the Document Checklist. Note that you can also turn on any of the toggles here if not already done.
- Upon closing the Document Checklist, a message opens asking if you want to copy the marked Line Texts to the sales document. Choose the Yes button to copy the text and the No button to close the checklist without copying.
If you chose the Yes button, a message will inform you the number of line texts that were copied to the sales line. - On the Lines FastTab of the sales document, choose Line > Related Information > Line Texts to view the text transferred from the document checklist lines.
- Go back to the sales document.
- On the Lines FastTab, choose Line > Run Configuration Automatically.
- On the Lines FastTab, choose Line > Related Information > Line Texts to view the text transferred from the document BOM lines.
- Go back to the sales document.
Line text from the Document Checklist or Document BOM is deleted and overwritten if the Document Checklist is opened again and the line text is copied or if a document BOM is deleted and the Run Configuration Automatically action is run again. Any text manually entered in the sales line is not affected by either process.
For information about the other automatic processes in the checklist, see Automatic Configuration
Document BOM line text transfer to sales document
Text added to document BOM lines with Transfer to Sales Document = Yes will be transferred to the sales document when the Transfer Comp. to Sales Document function is run.
Line text transfer in sales line splitting
New sales lines created when using the Sales Line Splitting function will include the line text based on the information from the first line. For more information, see Sales Line Splitting.
Line text transfer from sales line
Line text that is entered for a sales line is copied to the construction order header, where the text can be modified. When a production order is created from the sales line or construction order, the line text is copied to the first production order line.
When a construction order is created from the sales order, the text is copied from the sales line to the construction order header.
If a production order is created from the construction order, the text is copied from the construction order header to the first production order line (opened from Line > Line Texts on the Lines FastTab).
Text in archived checklists and document BOMs
Text included in checklists and document BOMs is available in the archived documents.
See Also
Sales Quote
Sales Order
Document BOM
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