Inventory Information List
With the inventory information list it is possible to easily filter on the inventory based on location, bin, zone and item. After applying the needed filters simply use the Get Records function to see where which item is located.
From this page it is possible to cancel the already registered warehouse activity by selecting a specific line and choose action Cancel Whse. Activity from the menu. If there are registered lines available to cancel, page "Logistics Cancel Whse. Activities" will be opened (if not the user will get an error message).
The page will list all the (place) lines from registered warehouse picks. Basically it is possible here to reverse one or more registered pick lines by setting the Qty. to Cancel with the required quantity. This field can be filled in manually or by using the Autofill/Remove toggles from the menu. Once the quantities are set, just select the lines which need to get reversed and use the Cancel Whse. Activity function. The user will get an error message if the reversing is not possible anymore, for example when the picked items are already (partially) shipped.
N.B. Currently the cancel function only works for registered pick lines which are linked to a sales source document.