Configure Auto-Start and Auto-Stop for containers
To save costs containers should be shut down when when they are not in use. While you can manually stop them all containers also have Auto-Stop enabled per default to prevent users forgetting to shutdown their environments.
For the best experience you should configure the default Auto-Start and Auto-Stop times and modes to your personal working schedule:
- In VS Code, click on the gear at the bottom left and choose Settings
- Look for COSMO Alpaca in the settings and find the Auto-Start and -Stop settings.
- We recommend the Auto-Stop settings to be enabled and Auto-Start to be disabled per default (so your container won't start every day if you're on your three week summer vacation).
The Auto-Start and Auto-Stop times are based on your local timezone.
You can also configure the Auto-Start and Auto-Stop modes and times differently for single containers:
- In VS Code, find your container and right-click on it.
- Choose Set Auto-Start mode or Set Auto-Stop mode
- Confirm that you want to change the Auto-Start or Auto-Stop mode which will restart a running container.
- Choose the mode you want to use for this single container.
- The new mode is active for the container. The Auto-Start and Auto-Stop times from your Settings are also set for this container.
Activating or deactivating the Auto-Start or Auto-Stop mode for a container will restart the container if it runs.
If you only want to change the Auto-Start and Auto-Stop times for a container, you have to configure the times in the Settings and then set the modes for the container by choosing the same modes that are already set for the container. This way only the times are changed.
You can watch a walkthrough here: