Bill of Quantities Card
The Bill of Quantities Card contains the complete information from the imported BoQ file. The fields and actions on the Bill of Quantities Card are described in this section.
General FastTab
The fields on the General FastTab are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
No. | Unique identifier of the Bill of Quantities record. |
Version No. | Indicates the version number of the BoQ. Multiple versions are available for import and export of that BoQ file. This field is only shown on the Bill of Quantities Card of a BoQ Version; it is not shown on the originating BoQ card. |
Description | Short description of the Bill of Quantities record. If imported, the description is based on the BoQ file. |
Exchange Format | Indicates the format of the BoQ import or export file. The options are Undefined, GAEB90, GAEB2000, GAEBXML, and OeNorm. |
File Info Version | Indicates the version of the GAEB import or export file. The options are: - Undefined: used for GAEB90 and GAEB2000 - 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3: used for GAEBXML This field is only shown if Exchange Format = GAEB90, GAEB2000, GAEBXML. |
OeNorm Version | Indicates the version of the OeNorm import or export file. The options are Undefined, B2063, A2063 (2009), A2063 (2015). This field is only shown if Exchange Format = OeNorm. |
OeNorm A2063 Type | Indicates the type of OeNorm A2063 import or export file. The options are Undefined, Specification, and Bill of Quantities. If OeNorm Version = A2063 (2015), then this field is automatically set to Bill of Quantities but can be changed as needed. This field is only shown if Exchange Format = OeNorm. |
Data Exchange Phase | Indicates the Data Exchange Phase of the GAEB or OeNorm import or export file. The options are Undefined, Specification, Cost Estimate, Offer Request, Offer, Side Offer, and Order Award. |
Commerce Exchange | Indicates whether the Data Exchange Phase of Offer Request and Offer are commerce based or not: - Commerce based equals data exchange phase 93 and 94 in GAEBXML and GAEB2000 - Non-commerce based equals data exchange phase 83 and 84 in GAEBXML and GAEB2000 |
Data Exchange Type | Indicates whether the exchange is customer-based or vendor-based. |
Bidder Comment Permitted | Determines if the bidder is permitted to comment. |
Additional Offer Permitted | Determines if an alternative bid is permitted. |
Contract Rules | Indicates if contract rules exist. |
No. of BoQ Positions | Indicates the number of BoQ positions. |
No. of Versions | Indicates the number of BoQ versions for the BoQ card. |
Person Responsible | Indicates the resource who is responsible for the BoQ. |
Status | Indicates if the Bill of Quantities record is open, released for processing, or completed. |
Construction Project No. | Indicates the number of the related construction project. |
Job No. | Indicates the number of the related job. |
BoQ Positions FastTab
The BoQ Positions FastTab contains all the positions (lines) in the BoQ file. The fields on this FastTab are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Position No. | Indicates the ordinal number of the BoQ Position in a BoQ. |
Position Type | Indicates the type of the BoQ Position. The options are <Blank>, Group, Normal, Optional, Alternative, and Text. |
Description | Indicates the 50 first characters of the Short Text of the BoQ Position. |
Long Text | Indicates whether there is a Long Text or not. |
Text Supplement Offerer | Indicates whether the Offerer has included supplemental text. |
Text Supplement Bidder | Indicates whether the Bidder has included supplement text. |
Quantity | Indicates the Quantity of the BoQ Position. |
Unit of Measure | Indicates the Unit of Measure of the BoQ Position. This is case-sensitive. |
Price Type | Indicates if the price is regular or without a total. |
Unit Price | Indicates the Unit Price of the BoQ Position. |
Total Amount | Indicates the Total Amount of the BoQ Position. |
Line Discount % | Indicates the Discount percentage of the BoQ Position. |
Line Discount Amount | Indicates the Discount Amount of the BoQ Position. |
BoQ No. | Indicates the Bill of Quantities Card number. |
BoQ Line No. | Indicates the automatically created line number. |
Short Text | Indicates whether there is a Short Text or not. |
Level | Indicates if the row is a main-level or a sub-level of another row. Used with the Superior Line No. field. |
Superior Line No. | Identifies the line number of the row of which the current line is a sub-level. Used with the Level field. |
Price Parts Required | Indicates if price parts are required for the BoQ line. |
Unit Price Part 1 .. Unit Price Part 6 | Indicates the Unit Price Part 1 to Unit Price Part 6. |
Article Number | Indicates an article number which is assigned to the BoQ line. This field only applies to commerce exchange phases. |
GTIN Article Number | Indicates a GTIN article number which is assigned to the BoQ line. This field only applies to commerce exchange phases. |
ILN Article Number | Indicates an ILN article number which is assigned to the BoQ line. This field only applies to commerce exchange phases. |
BoQ Positions FastTab, Actions
The BoQ Positions FastTab has three menus: Manage, Line, and Function. The actions on these menus are described in the following table.
Menu | Action | Description |
Manage | Delete Group | Deletes BoQ lines of Type = Group and all associated lines. |
New Line / Delete Line | Adds a line in the selected row or deletes a selected BoQ line. | |
Line | Position Details | Opens the Position Details page that displays additional information from the BoQ import (see Position Details Page). |
Short/Long Text | Opens the BoQ Texts page, which displays short and long text for the position. | |
Function | Indent | Indents the line below the above line. Used when manually entering BoQ lines prior to export. |
Outdent | Removes the indentation of a line. Used when manually entering BoQ lines prior to export. | |
Filters | Allows you to set and clear up to four levels of filters of the BoQ lines. The Hide/Show Blank OeNorm Groups filter allows you to hide/show blank group level lines generated from OeNorm file format ".onlv". NOTE: This filter could slow down performance in large OeNorm BoQs. |
Create BoQ Position No. | Creates a Position Number based on values in the ON Mask and ON Pos. Increase fields on the BoQ Info FastTab. |
Position Details Page
The Position Details page includes some of the basic information from the BoQ Position line but provides additional GAEB or OeNorm information from the import that are necessary to implement full GAEB/OeNorm data exchange.
Depending on the Exchange Format in the Bill of Quantities Card, these fields are on the GAEB or OeNorm FastTabs:
- On the GAEB FastTab: Alternative Positions, Reference and Repetition Positions, Execution Descriptions with reference to Reference Positions, Sub Descriptions, and Markup Positions.
- On the OeNorm FastTab: Additional labels for OeNorm specifications.
The fields on these FastTab are described in the following table.
Exchange Format | Field Group | Field | Description |
GAEB | Base and Alternative Position | Base Position | Indicates if this position is a base position for an alternative position. |
Base Position No. | Specifies the position number of a base position on an alternative position which belong together. | ||
Reference and Repetition Position | Reference Position No. | Specifies the position number of the referenced position. The Position Type of the referenced position must be Reference Description. | |
Reference Type | Specifies the type of reference. The options are Reference Description and Repetition Position. | ||
Execution Description | Execution Description | Indicates if an execution description exists for the BoQ line. | |
Execution No. | Specifies the execution description number for either Execution Description positions or Repetition Positions, which are referenced on Execution Descriptions. | ||
Lump Sum and Hourly Paid Work | Lump Sum Position | Indicates if this position is a lump sum position. | |
Hourly Paid Work | Indicates if this position is an hourly paid position. | ||
Guiding and Sub Description | Guiding Description | Indicates if this position is a guiding description position. | |
Sub Description | Indicates if a sub description exists for the BoQ line. | ||
Sub Description No. | Specifies the number of each sub description position to a guiding description. | ||
Surcharge Position | Surcharge Type | Specifies the type of surcharge positions. The options are Surcharge on all positions before, Surcharge on any listed, and Surcharge on selected before. | |
Apply Surcharge | Indicates if a surcharge position with Surcharge Type = Surcharge on selected before will apply on this position. | ||
OeNorm | Origin Label | Specifies the origin label of the position. The options are Undefined, Free Text (Z positions), and Supplementary Description (+). | |
Undivided Position | Indicates if this position is an Undivided Position. | ||
Main Position | Indicates if this position is marked as an essential position. | ||
Preliminary Note Label | Indicates if this position is a Preliminary Note. |
In addition to the GAEB and OeNorm FastTabs, the General FastTab includes the Price Parts Required field which indicates if the position requires price parts, the Group Allocation FastTab shows the allocation indicator and variant number for handling GAEB and OeNorm alternative position relations, and the Long Text FastTab shows long text as well as text from a Supplemental Bidder.
Price Splitting FastTab
A maximum of six cost splits can be defined in the Price Splitting FastTab. The fields on this FastTab are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Split Prices | Determines if prices must be split for this file. |
No. of Unit Price Parts | Indicates how many price parts are needed for this file. Entering 1–6 provides access to the six price parts. |
Unit Price Part 1 Description .. Unit Price Part 6 Description | Indicates the name of the Unit Price Part in the BoQ file. |
Unit Price Part 1 Cost Type .. Unit Price Part 6 Cost Type | Indicates the allocation of the Unit Price Part Description from the BoQ file to the internal Cost Types. The options are Wages, Material, Subcontractor, Equipment, Other, and Other 2. |
Job FastTab
The Job FastTab includes job information from the BoQ file, not from Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. The fields on this FastTab are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Job Name | Indicates the Job Name of the BoQ. |
Job Label | Indicates the 50 first characters of the Job Description of the BoQ. |
Job Short Description | Indicates the Short Description of the BoQ. |
Currency | Indicates the currency of the BoQ. |
Currency Description | Indicates the currency description of the BoQ. |
Total BoQ | Displays the total amount of the BoQ. |
VAT % | Indicates the VAT percentage of the BoQ. |
Total Line Discount Amount | Displays the Total Discount Amount of the BoQ. |
Placing FastTab
If the bid is accepted, the details are defined in the Placing FastTab. The fields on this FastTab are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Placing Type | Indicates the type of allocation for the BoQ. The options are <Blank>, Open Procedure, Restricted Procedure, Negotiation Procedure, Open Tendering, Restricted Tendering, Direct Award, and Int. NATO-Tendering. |
Specific Placing Type | Indicates the special type of allocation for the BoQ. The options are Maintenance, Blanket Order, and Blanket Order for Maintenance. |
Placing Currency | Indicates the allocation currency for the BoQ. |
Placing Currency Description | Indicates the allocation currency description for the BoQ. |
Quote Date | Indicates the date of the submitted quote. |
Submission Date | Indicates the date of submission. |
Submission Time | Indicates the time of submission. |
Acceptance Deadline | Indicates the date until quotes are accepted. |
Delivery Location | Indicates the location of the placing. |
Estimated Start Execution | Indicates the estimated start date for execution. |
Estimated End Execution | Indicates the estimated end date for execution. |
Order No. | Indicates the order number of the customer. |
Order Date | Indicates the date of the order. |
Approval Type | Indicates the type of approval. |
Approval Date | Indicates the date of approval. |
Period of Warranty | Indicates the period of warranty, which includes only decimal numbers. |
Unit of Measure Warranty | Indicates the unit of measure of the warranty period. |
End Warranty | Indicates the end date of warranty. |
BoQ Info FastTab
Details about the BoQ structure and its numbering are defined in the BoQ Info FastTab. The fields on this FastTab are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
ON Mask | Indicates the used Ordinal Number (ON) mask of the BoQ, for example, 12233PPPPI. |
BoQ Level 1 Type .. BoQ Level 7 Type | Indicates the BoQ hierarchy type of the BoQ. |
BoQ Level 1 Length .. BoQ Level 7 Length | Indicates the length of a BoQ hierarchy, at maximum 14 characters. |
ON Pos. Increase | Used with the ON Mask to create a position number when the Create BoQ Position No. action is run. The value entered determines how to increment the position number. You can enter any number in the range of 1 - 10. |
BoQ Date | Indicates the date of the BoQ. |
BoQ Name | Indicates the name of the BoQ. |
Customer FastTab
The Customer FastTab contains information about the customer who submitted the bid. The fields on this FastTab are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Customer No. | Indicates the Customer Number for creating sales documents. Many of the fields in this FastTab are updated with the related customer information when the number is entered. If information already exists, a message will open to confirm that the information is overwritten. |
Contact No. | Indicates the Contact Number for creating sales documents. |
Customer DP Number | Indicates the customer number. |
Customer Name | Indicates the customer name. |
Customer Name 2 | Indicates the customer name 2. |
Customer Address | Indicates the customer address. |
Customer Post Code | Indicates the customer post code. |
Customer City | Indicates the customer city. |
Customer Country/Region Code | Indicates the customer country/region code. |
Customer Contact Person | Indicates the contact person of the customer. |
Customer Phone No. | Indicates the customer phone number. |
Customer E-Mail | Indicates the customer e-mail. |
Customer Fax No. | Indicates the customer fax number. |
Contractor FastTab
The Contractor FastTab contains information about the vendor who is awarded the bid. The fields on this FastTab are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Vendor No. | Indicates the Vendor Number for creating purchase documents. Many of the fields in this FastTab are updated with the related vendor information when the number is entered. If information already exists, a message will open to confirm that the information is overwritten. |
Contractor DP Number | Indicates the contractor number. |
Contractor Bidder No. | Indicates the bidder number of the contractor. |
Contractor Placing No. | Indicates the allocation number of the contractor. |
Contractor Name | Indicates the contractor name. |
Contractor Name 2 | Indicates the contractor name 2. |
Contractor Address | Indicates the contractor address. |
Contractor Post Code | Indicates the contractor post code. |
Contractor City | Indicates the contractor city. |
Contractor Country/Region Code | Indicates the contractor country/region code. |
Contractor Contact Person | Indicates the contact person of the contractor. |
Contractor Phone No. | Indicates the contractor phone number. |
Contractor Fax No. | Indicates the contractor fax number. |
Contractor E-Mail | Indicates the contractor e-mail. |
Administration FastTab
The Administration FastTab displays date, user, and file import and export information.
The General Product Posting Group field in the Sales & Purchase group specifies the General Product Posting Group to use when sales and purchase documents are created. The value defaults from the fields in the BoQ Management Setup page as follows:
- If Data Exchange Type = Customer, the value from the Default General Product Posting Group Sales field is used.
- If Data Exchange Type = Vendor, the value from the Default General Product Posting Group Purchase field is used.
Action Bar
The action bar includes menus that contain actions specific to COSMO Bill of Material Management.
Home Menu
The actions on the Home menu are described in the following table.
Action | Description |
Import File | Imports the file into the BoQ record (see Import Files). |
Export File | Exports the current iteration of the Bill of Quantities Card into a BoQ file (see Export Files). |
Unit of Measure Assignment | Opens the BoQ Unit of Measure Assignment page, which displays all assigned and missing units of measure between the BoQ file and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. |
Contractors | Opens the Contractors page, where you define the contractors related to the BoQ for requesting pricing, comparing pricing, and creating purchase quotes and orders. For more information, see Compare BoQ Versions. |
Comparison Matrix | Opens the Comparison Matrix page, which compares the pricing from the contractors defined in the Contractors page. For more information, see Compare BoQ Versions. |
New Document
The actions on the New Document menu are described in the following table.
Action | Description |
Create Sales Quote | Creates a sales quote for the BoQ. For more information, see Create Sales Documents. |
Create Sales Order | Creates a sales order for the BoQ. For more information, see Create Sales Documents. |
Texts Menu
The actions on the Texts menu are described in the following table.
Action | Description |
Contract Rules | Opens the BoQ Lines page, which shows the contract rules. Choose the Home menu to open the Position Details page and the Lines menu to open the long and short text. |
Job Description | Opens the Job Description page, which shows the job description of the BoQ. |
Reports Menu
The Reports menu contains the BoQ Report action that allows you to generate a report including all BoQ positions for a particular BoQ and version. You can choose to show prices, long texts, and contract rules as well as a summary at the end of the report which includes the BoQ groups. If prices are shown, the related amounts and the total amount of the BoQ are included in the summary.
The cover page of the report shows the job name and description and the BoQ number and description from the BoQ Card as well as the customer and contractor contact information.
The next page shows the contract rules if shown and existing and then the following pages show all the BoQ positions within group hierarchy, including ordinal number, description, quantity, and unit of measure. If prices are shown, then the unit price and total amount are included. Additionally, long texts are displayed below the positions if selected to be shown.
Actions Menu
The actions on the Actions menu are described in the following table.
Action | Description |
Export JSON | Creates a JSON file that includes BoQ data. This is primarily used for technical support capabilities and is only visible for users that have the Allow BoQ JSON Export check box selected on the User Setup page. |
Copy BoQ | Creates a new BoQ record from a copy of the current BoQ. |
Create Version | Creates a new BoQ version from a copy of the current BoQ. |
Check BoQ | Reviews the BoQ and then opens the BoQ Check Log page that shows errors, warnings, and statistics about the complete BoQ. |
Update Purchase Quote | Updates the lines of a linked purchase quote after importing a BoQ file with pricing but is typically only run from a BoQ Version entry. For more information, see Select a winner and make an order. |
Related Menu
The actions on the Related menu are described in the following table.
Action | Description |
Converter Log | Opens the BoQ Converter Transfer Logs page where information about the BoQ Converter API is stored. This includes incoming and outgoing payload, versions, a response code, the time when the file was processed, and the user ID of who processed the file. |
Versions | Opens the Bill of Quantities Versions page, where all versions of the BoQ are shown. |
Show Sales Quotes | Opens the sales quotes for the BoQ. For more information, see Create Sales Documents. |
Show Sales Orders | Opens the sales orders for the BoQ. For more information, see Create Sales Documents. |
Show Purchase Quotes | Opens the purchase quotes for the BoQ version. For more information, see Create Purchase Documents. |
Show Purchase Orders | Opens the purchase orders for the BoQ version. For more information, see Create Purchase Documents. |
The FactBoxes on the Bill of Quantities Card are described in the following table.
FactBox | Description |
Unit Price Parts | Displays general and specific price splitting information about the line selected in the BoQ Positions FastTab. |
GAEB Position Details | Displays the GAEB information relating to the line selected in the BoQ Positions FastTab. Shown if Exchange Format = GAEB90, GAEB2000, GAEBXML. |
OeNorm Position Details | Displays the OeNorm information relating to the line selected in the BoQ Positions FastTab. Shown if Exchange Format = OeNorm. |
Long Text | Displays the long text relating to the line selected in the BoQ Positions FastTab. On the drop-down arrow, choose the Edit action to open the BoQ Texts page, where both long and short text can be edited. |
See Also
Import Files
Create BoQs
Export Files
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