Warehouse Activities Page
The standard warehouse activities page includes the Logistics Warehouse Activities FastTab.
With this FastTab, information comes from the warehouse shipment line and the warehouse activities line.
Two standard warehouse activity lines connect to one Logistics warehouse activity line on the FastTab.
This FastTab has two bin code fields: Bin Code and Target Bin Code. The Bin Code appears on the standard Take lines, the Target Bin Code appears on the Place lines.
The line in the FastTab has a Status field, which is modified with Register Whse. Activities and Cancel Whse. Activities actions.
The Status field has three values:
- Via the Create step, the Status is Open if the warehouse activities task has no pre-picking activities.
- Via the Register step, the Status is Registered.
- Via the Create step, the Status is Waiting* if the warehouse activities task has pre-picking activities too.
The Cubage and Total Net Weight fields are calculated according to the Qty. to Handle.
Some fields are editable on the standard and logistics warehouse activities line: bin codes, target bin code, qty. to handle, total net weight.
The SSCC number can also be added or changed manually on the line. The drop-down list shows the SSCC numbers that belong to the same Warehouse Shipment as the Warehouse activity line itself.
By the modification, the update is automatically between two lines parts.
The actions on the Logisitics Warehouse Activities FastTab are described in the following table.
Menu | Action | Description |
Manage | Delete Line | Deletes the selected line, which has Open or Waiting status. |
Functions | Register Whse. Activities | Changes only the status of the line, is not the same as the standard register step. After using this function, the status of the whs. activity lines will be set to Registered. The status of the line must be Open and the Qty. to Handle field must not be zero. If the Qty. to Handle value is not equal to the Quantity value, a new line will be generated for the remaining outstanding quantity. |
Cancel Whse. Activities | Changes the Registered status to Open. Split line is not deleted and the Qty. to Handle will be zero. | |
Delete Whse. Activity Line with Note | When using this function, it is possible to delete a warehouse activity line with leaving a notification, which will be visible on the outbound warehouse request lines page. | |
Split Whse. Activities | Splits the selected warehouse activities line. This method is same as the Split function in the standard warehouse activities line. | |
Combine Whse. Activities | Similar as splitting it is possible to combine the selected warehouse activity lines, but obviously only when specific fields of the selected lines are similar. The following fields need to be similar: - Type - Source Type - Source Subtype - Source No. - Source Line No. - Location Code - Bin Code - Target Bin Code - Item No. - Variant Code - Unit of Measure Code - Serial No. - Lot No. - Package No. |
Create Shipping Unit | With this function it is possible to create a new shipping unit and link it to the line. | |
Complete Shipping Unit | With this function it is possible to complete the shipping unit directly from the line. | |
Assign Whse. User to lines | With this function it is possible to assign a specific warehouse user to one or more selected lines. |
Using these functions affect the standard Warehouse Activities line.
The standard functions remain on the Warehouse activities page, users can use both standard and new functions.
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