What's new in version 2.4
Version 2.4.165912.0 of COSMO Workflow adds new functionalities and fixes issues to enhance your overall experience.
Features and enhancements
The following features are included in this release:
Pull Request | Description |
PR8746 | Added requested event publisher to Workflow Portal page. Event OnBeforeSetFilterOnFilterGroup10 has been published in the BuildFilter function to customize the filter of the shown records. |
PR9369 | Added Setting option to Custom Functions. Custom Functions have been extended with Type Setting to enable or disable specific features. |
PR9372 | Redesigned multi language Condition Filter View. The Region/Locale independent condition field filter (PR6354) from WF 2.3 has been redesigned and reimplemented. NOTE: If you are upgrading from a previous installed version (WF <= 2.3) this feature is automatically deactivated by the Custom Functions Setting UseLegacyCondFilter with parameter True . |
This release fixes the following issues found in the previous version of the app:
Pull Request | Description |
PR9375 | Fixed Spanish translation file. |
PR9376 | Excluded inaccessible Tables from Global Trigger subscriber. Multiple system tables are excluded in the global trigger event subscriber to avoid errors due to their access levels. NOTE: You can add your own tables to this exclusion list by adding them to the Custom Functions with Setting ExcludeT<TableID> (e.g., EXCLUDET50000 to exclude table no. 50000 from the global trigger subscription) with parameter True . |
Removed or deprecated features
Removed obsolete controls, objects and methods:
Pull Request | Type | Description | Replaced by |
N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Technical specifications
Details | Version |
Requires Microsoft Base Application | |
Requires COSMO Licensing app | |
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