Prototype Variants
Prototype variants work the same as prototype items except that instead of creating a new item, item variants are created for the item.
In the Item Card, the Prototype Type field is set to Variant and a number series for prototype variants is assigned. To determine whether existing variants can be used when a Document BOM or Construction Order is calculated, item attributes must be defined.
When the Document BOM/Construction Lines are created, the system looks for variants that match the attributes in the prototype Item Card:
- If a matching variant is found, it is added to the sales line or Document BOM/Construction Line. The Document BOM or Construction Lines that were created previously for the prototype item/variant are copied without recalculating the Master BOM.
- If no matching variant is found, one is created for the item, referencing the source document in the Item Variants page. In the sales line or Document BOM/Construction Line, the variant code is added and the line description changes to the variant description.
Example – Use Prototype Variant in Sales Order
In the following video, an item for a prototype variant has been created for the Conveyor Machine based on the power entered in the Document Checklist and a number series has been assigned. A placeholder for the POWER value was added to the item description and the POWER variable was added to the Item Attributes with the Relevant to Prototype checkbox selected.
No additional setup has been done in the Master BOMs or Checklist Templates (see the example in Prototype Items in Master BOMs for information about the base setup).
A Sales Order has been created with three lines for this prototype item. On the first line, the Document Checklist is opened and the power value of 54 is entered. The Run Configuration Automatically action is run and a new variant, VAR001, is added to the prototype item in the sales line because no variant exists for this power specification. In the sales line, the Description field is updated with the description from the Item Variant, in which the placeholder has been replaced with the power value.
The Item Variants page shows the prototype source information, as well as the updated description with power value from the Item Card. The Created from Prototype checkbox is selected, the Prototype BOM Type field indicates that the variant was created from a Document BOM, and the Prototype BOM No. field indicates the Document BOM number that the prototype was created from.
In the next line of the Sales Order, the Document Checklist is opened and the power value of 54 is entered again. When the Run Configuration Automatically action is run, the same variant from the first sales line, VAR001, is used because it matches the power specification. The Master BOM was not recalculated and the same Document BOM information is shown in the Item Variants page.
In the last line of the Sales Order, the Document Checklist is opened and the power value of 78 is entered. When the Run Configuration Automatically action is run, a new variant, VAR002, is added to the prototype item in the sales line because no variant exists for this power specification. In the Item Variants page, the Created from Prototype checkbox is selected, the Description is updated with the power value, the Prototype BOM Type field indicates that the variant was created from a Document BOM, and the Prototype BOM No. field indicates the new Document BOM number that the prototype was created from.
See Also
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