Prototype Items in Master BOMs
When you open the Master BOM in the Document BOM/Construction Order line, the attributes of the prototype item in the Master BOM line are calculated. Depending on whether these attributes match those defined in the Item Card of the prototype item, the placeholder item is replaced with:
- A new item that was created based on the prototype item with the new attributes.
- An existing item based on the prototype item with the matching attributes.
Additionally, the placeholders on the Description fields on the Item Card, Document BOM, and Construction Order line are replaced with the value in the Input field on the corresponding Document Checklist line.
If the prototype item is set with Prototype type = Variant, no new item is created, but only a new variant is created and transferred to the Document BOM/Construction Order line.
Example – Use Prototype Item in Document BOM
In the following video, a prototype item has been set up for a motor component that is based on the type of power needed. The Description and Description 2 fields have placeholders that will be updated with the power value entered in the Document Checklist. The Prototype No. Series is specific to this item, so that if a new item is created, it will use the same item number with an extended incremental number, e.g., D-7011-00001, D-7011-00002, and so on.
The power variable "I_POWER" with formula value "POWER" is assigned to the item attributes and the Relevant to Prototype checkbox is selected.
The prototype item is assigned to a Master BOM that is used in the Master BOM for the Conveyor Machine. Notice that another prototype item is also assigned to the Master BOM. Based on the formula, if the power value entered in the Document Checklist is:
- 50-74, then prototype item D-7011 is used.
- 75-100, then prototype item D-7012 is used.
The power variable from the item was transferred to the Master BOM Attributes.
In the related Checklist Template, the Autom. Create Document BOM toggle is turned on to expedite the Document BOM creation process and the POWER variable is defined for calculation in the checklist line.
A sales quote was created for the Conveyor Machine. In the Document Checklist, a power value of 60 is entered.
The Run Configuration Automatically action is run and then the Document BOM is opened. The prototype item for the motor is replaced with a new item (D-7011-00001) based on the prototype item with the 50-74 power range in the Master BOM. The placeholder in the Description fields is updated with the power value of 60. The Document BOM Attributes has the power value as well.
Another sales quote is created and a power value of 60 is entered again in the Document Checklist. When the Document BOM is opened, the prototype item is replaced with the existing item D-7011-00001 created in the previous sales quote because it matches the power specification.
Finally, another sales quote is created and the default power value of 100 is unchanged in the Document Checklist. When the Document BOM is opened, the prototype item is replaced with a new item (D-7012-00001) based on the other prototype item with the 75-100 power range in the Master BOM and because no existing item matches the power specification.
The replacement of the prototype item in the Construction Order line is handled the same way except the Request BOM function is used to create the BOM lines. Using prototype items in the Construction Order header is described in Prototype Item in Construction Order Header.
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