Recipe Weight and Net Weight
The fill-in quantity to produce an item can be higher that the net weight of the item. This difference is due to a reduction of material during the process of manufacture without creating scrap. To handle this difference the needed quantity of the production order components must be increased.
On the Item Card, the difference between the net weight and the fill-in weight can be handled using the Recipe Weight field on the Replenishment FastTab.
The recipe weight is the basis for calculating the needed quantity for production order components that use a recipe instead of a production BOM.
The net weight and the recipe weight are transferred to the production order line on creation of production orders.
The Recipe Weight (Total) field on the released production order lines can be changed manually. After changing the field, the needed quantities in production order components are recalculated.
In addition, the recipe weight is shown in the Calculation Card and Prod. Order Recipe Statistics pages.
All calculations that previously used the net weight are converted to use the recipe weight.
See Also
Recipe Statistics
Integration of COSMO Calculation
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