Procurement Planning
To create purchasing activities from the calculated lines, at least the following two fields must be defined:
- Procurement Channel – defines which purchasing process is used.
- Procurement Finish Date – defines the due date. The date is transferred from the process planning. If no date is defined in the process, then the current date will be used.
The following optional data can be displayed in this page:
- Procurement Vendor No. – can be a different from the Vendor No. used for the original calculation.
- Procurement Location Code – can be modified according to the inventory requirements. If nothing else is selected the default setting from the Project Card will apply.
- Procurement Cost Source – defines which wholesale price will be used for the purchase order.
Procurement Planning is accessed on the Project Planning and Processing page by choosing the Plan action on the Procurement menu.
The planned positions can be easily identified after a successful procurement planning run (choose the Yes value in the Procurement Planning field for an automated procurement planning). Automated Planning will only apply for those positions holding unplanned remaining quantities. Missing dates will be supplemented.
Individual lines can be amended by choosing the value in the Procurement Planning field.
Procurement lines with no quantities must be planned manually. To generate a new procurement line, choose the Procurement Planning field for the line and then choose the New Procurement action on the Project Processing Procurement page. Each new procurement line will be assigned a unique Procurement No. and a quantity can be entered on the line.
All procurements belonging to a structure can be displayed in one general overview by selecting the top line in the Project Planning and Processing page and then on the Procurement menu, choosing the Per Block action.
Project Processing Procurement
The fields on the Project Processing Procurement page are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Procurement Status | Indicates the current state of the WBS position. The options are Planning, Release, and Finished. |
Main Project No. | Indicates the number of the main project that the project is linked to (if is a sub project). |
WBS | Defaults from the Project Budget Calculation page. |
Procurement No. | Indicates the unique procurement number assigned when the project procurement was planned. |
Procurement Start Date | Indicates the date on which the procurement process will start. |
Procurement Finish Date | Indicates the date on which the procurement process will be finished. |
Type | Defaults from the Project Budget Calculation page. |
No. | Defaults from the Project Budget Calculation page. |
Description | Defaults from the Project Budget Calculation page. |
Comment Procurement | Indicates if a project comment line with Comment Type = Purchase exists for the WBS position. |
Person Responsible | Defaults from the Project Budget Calculation page. |
Procurement Channel | Defaults from the Planning and Processing page. |
Procurement Cost Source | Determines which wholesale price will be used for the purchase order. The options are Standard Costs, Project Line, and Procurement Line. |
Procurement Vendor No. | Indicates the vendor to which procurement documents for the WBS position should be created. |
Procurement Location Code | Indicates the default location to be used for the procurement documents for the WBS position. |
Quantity | Defaults from the Project Budget Calculation page. |
Unit of Measure Code | Defaults from the Project Budget Calculation page. |
Manual Pricing | Defaults from the Project Budget Calculation page. |
Direct Unit Cost | Defaults from the Project Budget Calculation page. |
Purch. Currency Code | Defaults from the Project Budget Calculation page. |
Total Direct Cost (LCY) | Defaults from the Total Direct Cost Budget (LCY) field in the Project Budget Calculation page. |
Inventory | Specifies how many units (such as pieces, boxes, or cans), of the item are in inventory. |
Purchase Order | Indicates if a Purchase Order exists for the WBS position. |
Inventory Request | Indicates if an Inventory Request exists for the WBS position. |
Production Order | Indicates if a Production Order exists for the WBS position. |
Procurement Document BOM No. | Indicates the Document BOM No. that the production order is based on if using the COSMO Discrete Manufacturing integration (see Integration of COSMO Discrete Manufacturing). |
Assembly Order | Indicates if an Assembly Order exists for the WBS position . |
Construction Order | Indicates if a Construction Order exists for the WBS position (see Integration of COSMO Discrete Manufacturing).. |
Description 2 | Value from the Description 2 field of the component selected in the Type and No. fields; can be edited. |
Direct Shipping | Indicates if purchase receipts are directly delivered to the customer. |
Expand Purchase Order No. | Indicates the existing purchase order to which the procurement will be assigned to when the line is released (see Add Purchase Line to Existing Procurement Purchase Order). |
Indirect Cost % | Defaults from the Project Budget Calculation page. |
Inventory Procurement Location | Specifies how many units (such as pieces, boxes, or cans), of the item are in inventory of the procurement location. |
Outline Code | This field is not currently used. |
Person Group No. | Defaults from the Project Budget Calculation page. |
Person No. | Defaults from the Project Budget Calculation page. |
Procurement Bin Code | Indicates the default bin code to be used for the procurement documents for the WBS position. |
Procurement Internal (LCY) | Displays the sum of the Total Direct Cost Proc. (LCY) of internal procurement (for example, inventory requests) for the WBS position. |
Project No. | Indicates the number of the project that the procurement relates to. |
Project Order No. | Indicates the number of the Project Order if one was created for the procurement line (see Project Order). |
Project Process No. | Indicates the related number of the Planning Processes line (see Planning Processes Page). |
Promised Receipt Date | Defaults from the purchase line created for the procurement line. |
Purch. Currency Date | Identifies a foreign currency to be used for purchase price calculations on the WBS position (see Calculation with Currencies). |
Purch. Line Discount % | Displays the discount percent assigned to the purchase line. |
Purchase Quote | Indicates if a Purchase Quote exists for the WBS position. |
Requisition Line | Indicates if a Requisition Line exists for the WBS position. |
Service Item No. | Identifies a service item number to be used when creating a service order for a WBS position (see Service Module Integration). |
Service Order | Indicates if a Service Order exists for the WBS position (see Service Module Integration). |
Ship-to Code | Indicates to which address the shipments for this WBS position are delivered (Purchase Receipts); defaults from the Project Card. |
Special Position | Identifies a WBS position that is not included in the calculation because it only provides information about quantity and price. The options are Supplement, Increase, and Reclamation. |
TDC Liquidity Payment (LCY) / TDC Liquidity Request (LCY) / TDC Liquidity Schedule (LCY) | Total Direct Cost fields used with the Project Liquidity module integration in COSMO Project Manufacturing. For more information, see Project Liquidity Integration. |
Total Cost (LCY) | Displays the calculated value of Quantity and Unit Cost in local currency. |
Total Dir. Cost Rem. PO (LCY) | Displays the liability amount (in local currency) of Purchase Orders assigned to the WBS Position. |
Total Dir. Cost Usage (LCY) | Sum of the Total Direct Cost (in local currency) of the posted usage entries in the Project Ledger Entries. |
Travel Code | Transfers from the selected traveling expense component (see Traveling Expenses). |
Variant Code | Transfers from the selected component (Type = Item). |
Vendor Item No. | Transfers from the selected component (Type = Item). |
Vendor No. | Transfers from the selected component; used with special vendor pricing (see Special Direct Unit Costs from Vendors). |
Work Type Code | Transfers from the selected component (see Work Types). |
Project Procurement Planning Page
The procurement planning for all project lines can be viewed in the Project Procurement Planning page, accessed using Tell Me. Choose the icon, enter Project Procurement Planning, and then choose the related link.
The fields in the General and Date FastTabs are used to filter the view. The actions on the Project and Home menus allow for the accessing of Project Cards and the Project Planning and Processing page, as well as the ability to release selected procurement lines.
The following FactBoxes are available to provide additional information for item and service procurement lines:
- Item Details - Invoicing
- Item Details - Warehouse
- Item Details - Planning
- Resource Details
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