Setup for Sequence Planning
Manufacturing Dimensions allow you to optimize your scheduling in the Sequence Planning page using the following features that are set up in the Manufacturing Dimensions page.
Manufacturing Dimensions with Fixed Value
Setting up manufacturing dimensions with a fixed value allows you to specify the values in the Manufacturing Dimension Values page.
For example, the Color manufacturing dimension has many dimension values.
Manufacturing Dimensions with Numeric Value
Creating manufacturing dimensions with numeric values means that you do not need to enter further manufacturing dimension values; only the Numeric Value checkbox needs to be selected for the manufacturing dimension.
For example, the Width manufacturing dimension is set up with numeric value because it is unreasonable to set up all the widths used in COSMO Process Manufacturing. By selecting the Numeric Value checkbox, no specific values need to be entered because the dimension values are not checked.
The Value Prioritization field determines how the manufacturing dimension values of a manufacturing dimension are to be sorted in planning. The options are:
- Priority – The manufacturing dimension values are sorted by their priority (not relevant for use with the Numeric Value selection).
- Value Ascending – The manufacturing dimension values are sorted in ascending order according to their value.
- Value Descending – The manufacturing dimension values are sorted in descending order according to their value.
Manufacturing Dimensions with Field Allocations
When creating manufacturing dimensions with field allocations, you do not have to enter further manufacturing dimension values. Instead, select different options in the Fixed Field Allocation field:
- Due Date
- Item
- Production Structure
- Production BOM
- Routing
- Main Tool
- Main Insert
- Starting Date
No further information is necessary because all values that can be selected in this field are already present in the planning process.
An example for a fixed planning dimension value is the due date. During the planning process, the due date of a production order line is determined and used as a manufacturing dimension value. Therefore, it cannot be specified at any other time because it comes from a business process.
If the Starting Date option is used and the starting date is changed manually in the production order, it might be different after priority planning or changed back automatically if the sequence work center is set to automatic rescheduling.
See Also
Sequence Planning
Manufacturing Dimensions Setup
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