Calculations for Production Structures
Calculations can be made for any type of Production Structure. The process of creating the calculation is the same for each; the difference lies in the required information due to item definitions during product development.
When creating a Development Structure, often the output item and some components have not been defined (in the idea of conceptual item without an Item Card). Therefore, special RnD fields in the header and lines must be populated to provide the necessary conversion of weights, unit of measure and costing information for calculating recipes.
For Laboratory Structures, all components must be defined with actual items, but the output item may not be defined yet. Therefore, the special RnD fields in the header must be populated to provide the necessary conversion of net and recipe weights for calculating recipes.
Items are completely defined in a Manufacturing Structure before it can be certified and, thus, a Calculation created. Therefore, no special fields are necessary for calculating recipes; the weights and costs from the Item Cards of the product (output) are used.
Another difference to the previously described Production Structures, is that Calculations are not transferred from Development Structure to Laboratory Structure, and Laboratory Structure to Manufacturing Structure. Each Calculation is specific to each particular Production Structure. Additionally, the values in the special RnD fields are transferred from the Development Structure to the Laboratory Structure but are not transferred from the Laboratory Structure to the Manufacturing Structure. These fields are set to the zero in the Manufacturing Structure.
This topic first describes the basic Calculation creation process on a Manufacturing Structure, since additional information is not required to create the Calculation. Then the special fields in the Development and Laboratory Structures are described.
Calculations for Manufacturing Structures
In the Production Structure, choose the Calculation action.
If no calculation is available for the production structure, no calculations are displayed in the Calculations page. Choose the New action to create a new calculation and then choose the Enter or Tab key to assign a number.
It is possible to create more than one calculation for one production structure.
If the Standard Calc. Schedule No. field on the item used in the production structure is filled in, the standard calculation schedule is used for the new calculation. Otherwise the application displays the calculation schedule list and you must select a calculation schedule manually.
The values of the production structure are transferred to the calculation header.
The link between the production structure and the calculation is the production structure number.
The values in the Lines FastTab are calculated by running the Update Calculation function.
Choosing the Value (LCY) field for a calculated entry opens the Calculation Detail Lines page, which displays the lines that create the calculated value.
Calculation Groups in Production Structure Lines
Item and capacity calculation groups are transferred from the item and work center or machine center through the production structure line to the production order routing lines and production order components.
Since production order calculations use the calculation groups from the production order routing lines and production order components – not directly from the item and work center or machine center – the calculation groups can be changed on the production structure lines.
Calculations for Development Structures
As previously stated, calculations can be made for Development Structures, even if no output item or components have been identified. When the Unit of Measure Code field in the header is populated, the RnD Net Weight and RnD Receipt Weight fields are automatically set to 1 (for example, 1 KG of the output item). Setting these fields allows for calculating share quantities, which would not be possible without an item because there would be no weight for quantity calculation.
The RnD Net Weight and RnD Recipe Weight fields provide the same purpose as the Net Weight and Recipe Weight fields on the Item Card (see Recipe Weight and Net Weight).
With the proper weight information in the header, recipes in the Lines FastTab can be calculated. For recipes without an actual item, the Unit of Measure Code, RnD Unit Cost per, and Calculation Group Code fields must be populated because these values typically originate from the Item Card (RnD Unit Cost per is equivalent to the Unit Cost on the Item Card). Once filled, the Shares/Share % fields must be populated to complete the set up for product development.
After certifying the Development Structure, a calculation can be created using the same process as described in Calculations for Manufacturing Structures.
Since no item exists yet, the calculation schedule list opens and you must select a calculation schedule manually.
As before, the values of the Development Structure are transferred to the calculation header, and the link between the Development Structure and the calculation is the production structure number.
If the Calculation Detail Lines page is opened from the Value (LCY) field, all components, including the dummy item, are displayed with proper calculation based on the Net Weight and Recipe Weights from the Development Structure header.
During the development process, it is possible that the weight changes, for example, boiling 1 kg of water results in only 800 grams of the output item. Therefore, the weights need to be changed to generate an accurate calculation.
Due to the change in the Development Structure, a new calculation should be created. As before, the values of the production structure are transferred to the calculation header.
When the Update Calculation function is run, the values are recalculated based on the new weight.
As previously stated, if the Create Laboratory Structure function is run from the Development Structure, the values in the special fields in the header are transferred but the calculations are not.
Calculations for Laboratory Structures
A Laboratory Structure cannot be certified with missing items in the Lines FastTab. However, it can be certified without an item in the header. Therefore, the RnD Net Weight and RnD Recipe Weight fields are available in the header for calculation purposes. The same as in the Development Structure, the fields are automatically set to 1 when the Unit of Measure Code field is populated in the header.
If the Create Laboratory Structure function was used, the values in the RnD Net Weight and RnD Recipe Weight fields are transferred but can be changed as needed.
After certifying the Laboratory Structure, a Calculation can be created using the same process as described in Calculations for Manufacturing Structures.
Since no item exists yet, the calculation schedule list opens and you must select a calculation schedule manually.
As before, the values of the Laboratory Structure are transferred to the calculation header, and the link between the Laboratory Structure and the calculation is the production structure number.
If the Calculation Detail Lines page is opened from the Value (LCY) field, all components are displayed with proper calculation based on the Net Weight and Recipe Weights from the Laboratory Structure header.
Similar to the development process, weight change can occur in the laboratory. Therefore, the weights need to be changed in the Laboratory Structure to generate an accurate calculation.
Due to the change in the Laboratory Structure, a new calculation should be created. As before, the values of the production structure are transferred to the calculation header.
When the Update Calculation function is run, the values are recalculated based on the new weight.
As previously stated, if the Create Manufacturing Structure function is run from the Laboratory Structure, the calculations are not transferred and the values in the special fields in the header are set to zero.
See Also
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