Kanban System
Kanban – a Japanese word that roughly translates to "card you can see" – provides a visual means of tracking and stocking inventory that needs constant replenishment. In COSMO Discrete Manufacturing, the cards needed for Kanban items are defined and generated from the Item Card. In theory, as inventory is used, the cards are collected and sent to requisition or purchasing to replenish inventory.
General Setup
General setup of the Kanban system is done on the General FastTab of the Configure to Order Setup page. The behavior of the system is defined in the KANBAN area.
The setup fields for the Kanban System are defined in the following table.
Field | Description |
Purchase | Determines if items controlled by Kanban that are set up with a Replenishment System of Purchase should be created from the Requisition Line or Purchase Orders. The options are Make Req. Wksh and Make Purch. Orders. |
Purch. Wksh. Temp. Name | If the Purchase field is set to Make Req. Wksh, then this field must contain a Worksheet Template Name. It can be a template name from a requisition or planning worksheet. |
Purch. Jnl. Batch Name | If the Purchase field is set to Make Req. Wksh, then this field must contain a Journal Batch Name. |
Prod. Order | Determines if items controlled by Kanban that are set up with a Replenishment System of Prod. Order should be created from Planning Lines or Prod. Orders. The options are: - Copy to Planning Wksh: A planning line will be created. - Planned: A Production Order with the status of Planned will be created directly. - Firm Planned: A Production Order with the status of Firm Planned will be created directly. - Released: A Production Order with the status of Released will be created directly. |
Prod. Wksh. Temp. Name | If the Prod. Order field is set to Copy to Planning Wksh then this field must contain a Worksheet Template Name. It must be a Planning Worksheet Template Name. |
Prod. Jnl. Batch Name | If the Prod. Order field is set to Copy to Planning Wksh then this field must contain a Journal Batch Name. |
Item Setup
The setup of an item controlled by Kanban can be done on the Item Card or Stockkeeping Unit Card.
On the Config. to Order FastTab on the Item Card, or the Replenishment FastTab on the Stockkeeping Unit Card, the KANBAN toggle indicates if Kanban setup is done.
To open the KANBAN Setup page from either card, choose Item > KANBAN on the Related menu.
The setup fields for an item controlled by Kanban are defined in the following table.
Field | Description |
Item No. | Displays the item number. This field is automatically generated. |
Variant Code | Displays the Variant Code for the item. This field is automatically generated. |
Location Code | Displays the Location Code for the item. This field is automatically generated. |
Kanban Activated | Activates the Kanban functionality and other related fields. At the same time, a check verifies that the Reordering Policy field is set to <Blank>. If this is not the case, then a warning message opens. |
Kanban Unit of Measure | Identifies the Unit of Measure that corresponds with a Kanban Card. Typically, this means a box that is attached to the Kanban Card. The Unit of Measure is defined in the Unit of Measure table. |
Base Quantity per Kanban Unit | Identifies the quantity of base Units of Measure per Kanban unit. In the example, this responds to the number of units in a box. This is a flow field from the Item Units of Measure table. |
Total No. of Kanban Cards | Indicates the number of Kanban Cards in the system. If there are 10 boxes – no matter if empty or full – enter 10. |
Accumulated Quantity | If the accumulative quantity of Kanban Cards is reached, a message confirms if a Planning Worksheet, a Purchase Order and/or a Production Order should be created. This is determined by the Kanban setup in the Configure to Order Setup page. |
Collected Quantity | This quantity corresponds with the number of collected Kanban cards. A card is collected if the (Kanban Unit of Measure) box is empty. When the Collected Quantity reaches the Accumulated Quantity, new Requisition lines or Purchase Orders are created automatically (as determined in setup). |
Supply Exists | Indicates the number of Requisition Lines, Purchase Orders, and/or Production Orders that are already created. Choose this field to open the supply document(s). |
Kanban Functions
The actions on the action bar and/or the Related menu are described in the following table.
Menu | Action | Description |
Register Card | Increases the number in the Collected Quantity field. | |
Undo Card | Decreases the number in the Collected Quantity field. | |
Make Documents | Creates Requisition Lines, a Purchase Order, or a Production Order if the Collected Quantity field is greater than zero. | |
Generates Kanban Cards. | ||
Related | Supply | Opens an overview of any existing supply. |
To set up and use Kanban
This process explains the steps necessary for setting up and working with an item controlled by Kanban using a requisition worksheet for processing.
To define the general Kanban system settings
- Choose the
icon, enter Configure to Order Setup, and then choose the related link.
- In the Configure to Order Setup page, enter Make Req. Wksh in the Purchase field and then select the relevant purchase worksheet template name and journal batch name.
To set up the item for Kanban
- Choose the
icon, enter Items, and then choose the related link.
- Open the Item Card for the item.
- Open the Planning FastTab and then clear the Reordering Policy field on the Planning FastTab.
- On the Related menu, choose Item > KANBAN to open the KANBAN Setup page.
To set up the Kanban criteria for the item
- On the KANBAN Setup page, turn on the Kanban Activated toggle.
- In the Kanban Unit of Measure field, enter the relevant unit of measure for this Kanban collection.
- In the Total No. of Kanban Cards field, enter the number of Kanban Cards in the system. If there are 10 boxes – no matter if empty or full – enter 10.
To register Kanban cards
- Choose the Register Card action to register one card. The value in the Collected Quantity field increases by one.
- Choose the Register Card action again as many times as needed to collect all cards.
- On the final card registration, a message opens asking if you want to create requisition lines.
- Choose the Yes button and then choose the OK button to close the message that the Requisition Lines were made.
The Collected Quantity field is set to 0 and the Supply Exists field is set to the same quantity as in the Total No. of KanBan Cards field.
To process the collected cards
- On the Related menu, choose KANBAN > Supply to open the Requisition Lines page.
- Choose the Show Worksheet action to open the Requisition Worksheets page.
- In the Name field, select the journal batch indicated in the Configure to Order Setup page.
The Requisition Worksheet contains the Kanban lines, each with a quantity from the Base Quantity per Kanban Unit field and the Created by KANBAN checkbox selected to indicate these lines were created by Kanban. - If lines are deleted, the Collected Quantity field will be updated on the KANBAN Setup page and card registration can happen again.
- If the cards are correct, you can create and then post the Purchase Order.
To print new Kanban cards and restart process
From the KANBAN Setup page, choose the Print action to print new Kanban Cards and then insert them in the items when delivered.
The Kanban cycle starts over from the beginning.
Manage multiple KANBAN items in one page
With the KANBAN Setups page, you can quickly view all KANBAN items, make changes to existing settings, register multiple cards at once, and perform other processes that can be done from the KANBAN Setup card.
Accessed using the Tell Me feature, the KANBAN Setups page shows all items or stockkeeping units where the KANBAN Setup page has been opened, regardless of activation. This allows you to make changes to existing items or enter all the Kanban information for multiple items at once and then set the item(s) as active when ready for use.
As in the KANBAN Setup page, the Item No., Variant Code, and Location Code fields provide the base information and are non-editable. The remaining fields are the same and can be edited with new or updated information.
The Card and KANBAN Card actions allow you to open the related Item Card/Stockkeeping Unit Card and their related KANBAN Setup pages, respectively. The remaining actions are the same as on the KANBAN Setup page.
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