Integration of COSMO Calculation
The integration of COSMO Calculation to COSMO Discrete Manufacturing enables you to calculate items through the process of Sales Quotes, Sales Orders, Document BOMs, Construction Orders, and Production Orders.
COSMO Calculation functionalities that are specific to COSMO Discrete Manufacturing are described in this section. For detailed setup, configuration, and usage information for COSMO Calculation, see the COSMO Calculation Help.
Calculation Groups in Order-Related BOMs
For COSMO Discrete Manufacturing-related documents, item and capacity calculation groups are transferred from the item and work center or machine center through the Document BOMs and Construction Order Lines to the production order routing lines and production order components.
Since production order calculations use the calculation groups from the production order routing lines and production order components – not directly from the item and work center or machine center – the calculation groups can be changed on the Document BOM, Construction Order lines and components and/or routing lines for the production order.
Additionally, different calculation groups can be assigned to the same item/work center. This makes it possible to create calculations for assemblies where the same item or work center is used in different assemblies.
Document BOM Calculations
A Document BOM calculation can be generated from Sales Quote and Sales Order lines by choosing Line > Document BOM > Calculation Doc. BOM on the Lines FastTab.
If no calculation is available for the sales document line, an empty Calculation Card opens. Choose the icon to create a new calculation and then choose the Enter key to assign a number. If more than one calculation exists, the Calculations page opens for you to select the relevant calculation.
Document BOM Calculations can be created automatically using the Run Configuration Automatically function in Sales Quote/Order lines. For more information, see Automatic Configuration.
Concurrent Calculations
This section covers concurrent calculation functionality that is specific to COSMO Discrete Manufacturing.
Concurrent Calculation Documents
When a concurrent calculation is created, Line Types that are relevant for COSMO Discrete Manufacturing are added, including Document BOMs (quote and order), Construction Order, and Production Orders (expected and actual).
Include Resource Costs in Prod. Order (Actual) Calculation
Resource time (costs) can be posted to a construction order from the BOM Document Type, BOM Document No., and BOM Entry No. fields in the Resource Journal. These times are added to the Prod. Order (Actual) concurrent calculation.
For example, this could be used to include the cost of an engineer's time into the concurrent calculation. The engineer can post their time in the Resource Journal (which is transferred to the Construction Order) without needing a Production Order. These times are incorporated into the simultaneous costing and final costing using the document calculation.
These costs only flow into the calculation, not into the price of the output item.
Multi-Level Calculations
To run a multi-level calculation in the make-to-order production for a plant with several assemblies, a Document BOM must be assigned to the quote or sales order line by choosing Line > Document BOM > Document BOM on the Lines FastTab. Next, go back to the sales line and then choose Line > Document BOM > Calculation Doc. BOM on the Lines FastTab to open the Calculation Card or Calculations page. The values of the sales document line are transferred to the calculation header; note that the Replenishment System field is set to Prod. Order because the item has a Master BOM.
Transfer Construction Order Calculation Values to Service Item Worksheet
If a Calculation has been created for the Construction Order, it is possible to use the Transfer Values function to transfer the different values from the Calculation to the Service Item Worksheet line. For more information about using the Transfer Values function, see Transfer Value in the COSMO Calculation Help.
External Production (Subcontracting) Pricing
Pricing that is set up on subcontracting work centers is considered in the Calculations. Depending on the needed quantity, the Unit Costs and Amounts of the subcontracting routing lines will use the values from the purchase price list in the Calculation lines.
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