Graphical Project Planning Setup
You specify the basic settings for the COSMO Graphical Project Planning and Graphical Project Resource Planning pages in the Project Planning FastTab of the Graphical Project Planning Setup page.
To set up general Graphical Project Planning information
- Choose the icon, enter Graphical Project Planning Setup, and then choose the related link.
- On the Graphical Project Planning Setup page, expand the Project Planning FastTab and fill in or update the fields as necessary. Hover over a field to read a short description.
For information about the actions on the page, see GX Setup in the COSMO Graphical Extension Help.
To ensure that project data is shown when the Graphical Project Planning or Graphical Project Resource Planning page is opened from the Project Card, a message will inform the user if the project information falls outside of the configuration parameters in the Graphical Project Planning Setup page. If the user chooses to update the data cache, then the settings in the Planning Horizon Start, Planning Horizon End, Show Planning Projects, Show Quote Projects, and Show Open Projects fields will be updated as needed to include the project.
For example:
- If the project dates are in April but the Planning Horizon Start/End dates are set to January–March, then the Planning Horizon End date will change to accommodate the April dates if the user chooses to update the data cache.
- If the project has Status = Quote but the Show Quote Projects toggle is turned off, then it will be turned on if the user chooses to update the data cache.
These fields will be updated as needed whenever the pages are opened from the Project Card. However, the message will not open (and settings will not change) if the project information falls within the current settings.
Color settings
The color settings in the Project Planning FastTab determine which colors are used in the Graphical Project Planning and Graphical Project Resource Planning pages. Each is described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Project Color | Determines the color of the main project line in the Graphical Project Planning page. |
Summary Project Line Color | Determines the color of summary project lines in the Graphical Project Planning page. |
Project Line Process Color | Determines the color of planning process project lines in the Graphical Project Planning and Graphical Project Resource Planning pages. |
Assigned Project Line Process Color | Determines the color of planning process project lines that have been assigned to resources in the Graphical Project Resource Planning page. |
Highlight Color | Determines the color used to indicate the work date in the Graphical Project Planning and Graphical Project Resource Planning pages. |
To update project data
On the Actions menu, choose the Rebuild Project Data action to rebuild the COSMO Project Manufacturing data for rendering if setup or authorization changes are made.
To view version information
On the Actions menu, choose the About action to view the current product version and copyright information.
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