Assignment and Use of Attributes and Variables
Attributes are variables with a specification that can be linked to:
- Items
- Master BOMs
- Document BOMs
- Construction Orders
- Production Orders
- Service BOMs
In a Master BOM or Document BOM:
- Attributes are available in the actual level
- Attributes from higher levels are available
- Attributes are linked to document BOMs
- Attributes can be calculated after the BOM level (calculate "after line")
Variable naming and usage rules:
- Naming
- Only alphanumeric characters (A-Z, 0-9) and the underscore character (_) can be used in variable names. Spaces and the following characters are prohibited:
-+=´`.,;:/*?<>|"''[]{}()!@#$€%^&§ - After entering a variable name, you will be notified of any invalid characters, and then those characters will be automatically deleted. For example, "Ex@mp|€ 1" will generate a message for each invalid character (, @, |, €, " ", 1) and the variable will be entered as "Exmp1".
- Only alphanumeric characters (A-Z, 0-9) and the underscore character (_) can be used in variable names. Spaces and the following characters are prohibited:
- Usage
- If you enter the same variable in the Variable for Dynamic BOM field in more than one Checklist Template line, you will be asked to confirm your choice.
Access to Attributes:
- Using the code of the attribute in a formula
- Prefix "P_" (system variable) to the code to access Attributes from a specific higher level
System variables:
- Quantity: Access to the Quantity field
- i: Counting variable
- Pi: 3.14159265358979323
- Attribute "LENGTH": The attribute "LENGTH" of the actual level of the BOM
- Attribute "P_LENGTH": The attribute "LENGTH" of the next higher level of the BOM
- P_QUANTITY: The quantity of the next higher level (if used in the first level of a BOM, P_QUANTITY has the quantity of the sales line)
- P_LENGTH * 2 = twice the length of the item one level above
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