Create Empty Construction Orders/Copy Checklists from Sales to Construction
When creating a Construction Order from a Sales Order, a Document BOM will not be copied to the new Construction Order if the Create empty Const. Order toggle is turned on in the Construction FastTab of the Configure to Order Setup page.
This setting is used primarily when different checklists have been created for sales and construction. Therefore, the Document BOM used in a Sales Order will not transfer to the Construction Order so that a different checklist can be used, and as such, a different Construction BOM can be created.
When creating such Construction Orders, a check is done to determine if Checklist Templates are assigned to Items with the Construction checkbox selected in the Item Checklist Relations page.
The Checklist Type used with the checklist set up for Construction is the default in the Current Checklist Type field in the Construction Order.
This Checklist Template will be copied to the new Construction Order, along with the one from the Sales Order, both with the same checklist number but a different Checklist Type. Choosing the ellipsis button in the Checklist No. field or the Checklist value in the Construction Header Details FactBox opens the list of checklists assigned to the Construction Order.
The Copy Values from function on the Checklist will copy all values from another Checklist, which uses the same Variables. So, while a different template is used in the Construction Order, similar data entered on the Sales checklist can be copied, thus eliminating reentry.
After the Copy Values from function is run, the checklist is updated with the copied values, and recalculated if set for Automatic Recalculation. Any copied value can be modified as needed.
In the General FastTab of the Construction Order, the Current Checklist Type field indicates which checklist type will be used when creating the Construction BOM. The default is determined by the Checklist Type set as the Construction checklist in the Item Checklist Relations. The ellipsis button in this field opens the Checklist of the specified type.
If the Current Checklist Type field is empty, the Construction BOM will be created with the variables from all checklists assigned to the Construction Order, in the sort order of construction then sales. That means any variables used in the Construction checklist will be overwritten with the variables from the Sales checklist. Therefore, ensure that the Current Checklist Type field contains the proper type before running the Request BOM function.
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