Separate Delivery of Semi-Finished Goods
COSMO Discrete Manufacturing provides functionality to administer semi-finished goods that need to be delivered to the customer before final assembly. The following settings are necessary.
Customer Location Setup
On the customer card, a location on which the assembly unit should be transferred must be defined in the Location Code sep. Delivery field.
Item/Master BOM Setup
In the Master BOM, the Separate Delivery checkbox is selected on items set up for separate delivery.
The setup can be performed manually on the Master BOM line or the Config. to Order FastTab on the Item Card. If this item is used in the document BOM or the construction order, the setup will transfer to these documents and the production order but it can be changed on each document.
Separate Delivery Processing
To arrange separate delivery, the output of the production order lines must be posted. After posting, choose Order > Separate Delivery on the Related menu of the production order. A transfer order for the separate delivery lines is generated, which transfers the assembly units from the production inventory to the customer's location.
If the transfer order is posted and you run the Separate Delivery function from the production order, then the Separate Delivery Find Entries page opens with the posted transactions.
In the Prod. Order Components page, the delivery status is available in the Transfer Created and Transfer Posted fields. These fields indicate whether the transfer order was already created and whether it was posted. The Old Location Code field shows from which location the components were taken.
To access a report that displays the delivered components, open the Locations page, select the customer location, and then choose Location > Inventory on the Related menu.
If the item is installed and finished at the customer location, the consumption of the first production order line must be posted. Because this consumption will be posted with the customer's location code, this location will be empty.
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