Combine and Split Production Orders
This section explains how to combine and split production orders in the Planning Pool or Sequence Planning pages.
Combine Production Orders
The Combine Production Orders function is used to group different production orders by quality and production time or to optimize capacity of machines. Conditions for the combining of production orders are:
- Same Item No.
- Same Variant Code
- Same Location
- Same Unit of Measure
- Production Orders must not be posted
This function can be used in the Planning Pool or Sequence Planning pages.
A message opens asking if the marked production orders are supposed to be combined.
During the combining process, the earliest due date is selected and the quantities are grouped.
During the combining of production orders, the order tracking still exists.
Split Production Orders
There are many reasons for splitting a production order, such as:
- Disperse to more machines
- Multiple charge on one machine (mixing)
- Disperse the production quantity on different time schedules (part of sales order)
There are multiple ways in which a production order can be split. In COSMO Process Manufacturing, new production orders are created per split line and the originating production order is deleted.
Calculations are created for each new production order line if a production order is split (see Update Concurrent Calculations on Production Order Splitting).
The Split Prod. Orders function can be used in the Planning Pool or Sequence Planning pages, or directly on the Production Order line.
Select the production order line to split and then use the Split Prod. Order Line function:
- Sequence Planning – On the Lines FastTab, choose Functions > Split Prod. Order Line.
- Planning Pool – On the Actions menu, choose Functions > Split Prod. Order Line.
In the header of the Prod. Order Splitting page, the quantity is displayed and depending on the entry, also the current split quantity and remaining quantity.
Each line can be split by work center and quantity. Only after the Quantity is split in the lines can the split process continue.
For each line and each quantity, a new production order is created after the process is run.
As with the combine production order function, the original order tracking remains.
The split production order lines are marked as sequence planning when a sequence work center is used.
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