Transfer Document BOM Lines to Sales Documents
Document BOM lines with Type = Item, Resource, or Account (G/L) can be transferred to the corresponding Sales Quote/Order lines. Upon transfer, these lines are deleted from the Document BOM and any reservations are moved to the Sales Order lines (reservations are not made on Sales Quotes).
If the marked component (item) is an assembly group, a new Document BOM (with the copied assembly group) will be assigned to the new Sales Document line.
The inserted Sales Quote/Order Lines are assigned to the "main" Sales Line to which the source Document BOM is assigned. Therefore, if the "main" Sales Line is deleted, the other Sales Lines will be deleted as well.
The Transfer to Sales Document field controls which lines are to be transferred to the sales lines. This field can be set in the Master BOM (to default to the Document BOM) or directly in the Document BOM.
To transfer lines to sales documents
The Transfer Lines to Sales Document action transfers all Document BOM lines, in which the Transfer to Sales Document checkbox is selected, to the corresponding sales document. This action is accessible from the Document BOM and Sales Quote/Order lines.
- Create the Sales Quote/Order.
- Process the Document Checklist.
- Request and open the Document BOM.
- On lines to transfer, ensure that the Transfer to Sales Document checkbox is selected.
- Reserve inventory as needed.
- Transfer the lines from the:
- Document BOM by choosing Actions > Transfer Lines to Sales Document
- Sales Quote by choosing Line > Document BOM > Transfer Lines to Sales Document on the Lines FastTab
- Sales Order by choosing Line > Document BOM > Transfer Lines to Sales Document on the Lines FastTab
- A confirmation message opens with the numbers of lines to transfer to the sales document. Choose the Yes button to transfer the lines.
In the following video, the Master BOM for the Conveyor Machine has three documentation entries (German, English, and French) that are set for transfer to a sales document.
A Sales Order has been created for the conveyor machine. The default information in the Document Checklist is used so it is not opened for this example. The Document BOM is created automatically using the Run Configuration Automatically action.
The Document BOM is opened and the Transfer to Sales Document checkboxes are selected on the three documentation lines as defined on the Master BOM.
The Transport Unit assembly group (item D-1070) also needs to be transferred to the Sales Order and has additional German and English documentation requirements. The Transfer to Sales Document checkbox is selected on the line for item D-1070 and then two entries are inserted at the end of the assembly group.
Each of these documentation items are reserved against inventory for this sales order.
The Transfer Lines to Sales Document action is run and a message opens stating that four lines will be transferred to the Sales Document and the source lines in the Document BOM will be deleted. Accepting the confirmation message deletes the three documentation items and the entire assembly group for item D-1070.
In the Sales Order, the assembly item D-1070 and the three documentation items have been transferred from the Document BOM. The transferred reservations for the documentation items are indicated in the Reserved Quantity field.
For the assembly item D-1070, a new Document BOM was created for the assembly group including the reservations.
Automatically Transfer Lines to Sales Document
If the Auto. Transfer Lines to Sales Document toggle is turned on in the Checklist Template/Document Checklist, then the lines from the Document BOM, in which the Transfer to Sales Document checkbox is selected, are transferred to the corresponding sales document automatically when the Run Configuration Automatically action is used. For more information, see Automatic Configuration.
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