Translations for Variable Options
Similar to the translation functionality for Checklist Line descriptions, it also is possible to use translations for Variable Options in Checklist Lines.
Example – Add translations to variable options
In this example, the COLOR variable is set up with four options in German (blau, grün, rot, and gelb). Some of the ENU translations were created in Find/Create Translations function and therefore added to the Variable Options; and a new translation for "gelb" is created.
The Translation Code field can be filled out by using the drop-down arrow or by using the Find/Create Translations function. This function works in the same way as in Checklist Templates: first it searches for existing translations for the Description; if no translation is found, a new one is created. The found or created Translation Code will be inserted to the Translation Code field.
Running the Find/Create Translations function first generates a confirmation message, then upon acceptance, generates another message that asks which language is used because a language code cannot be selected in the Variable Options page. Upon choosing the OK button, the Languages page opens for language selection.
The DEU (German) language is selected and then the OK button is chosen. The Variable Options page is updated with the existing and created translation codes.
The ENU translations are displayed for the existing translation codes. Since the created translation for "gelb" only has an entry for Language = DEU, a message is displayed instead of a translation in the Description (T) field. The ENU translation for "gelb" can be entered in the Translation Header page.
For more information about setting up translations, see Translations on Checklist Templates.
Variable Option Translations on Document Checklists
Once the translations have been set up on the Variables Options, the translated text can be displayed in the Input Description (T) field on the document Checklists using the same method as in the Checklist Template.
After the variable option is selected, the text for the selected language is in the Input Description (T) field; for example, the English text will be displayed in the Input Description (T) field because ENU is the selected language in the header.
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