Dispensing Development Tools
Additional tools available to assist in the development of recipes are described in this section.
Check Recipe
The Check Recipe tool can be opened from any of the production structures.
This function performs two tasks prior to certifying the Production Structure:
- Calculates the Share % field if values have been entered in the Shares field.
- Checks if the Share % total equals 100%.
Values for the recipe items are entered in the Shares field. The Share % fields are empty and the Total Share % is undefined in the Production Structure Line Details FactBox. On the Actions menu, choose Functions > Check Recipe to calculate the Share % fields on the lines and check the Total Share % for the entire production structure.
Recipe Comparison
The Recipe Comparison tool can be opened from any of the production structures, the recipe (Production BOM), or directly using Tell Me.
This function compares two different recipes and recognizes the variations.
When opened from the Actions menu on the Production Structure, all necessary data is transferred to the Recipe Comparison page so less data entry is needed.
On the right side of the header, enter the item, production structure, recipe, or recipe version to compare.
If opened from the Tell Me, enter the information on both sides of the header.
Recipe Search
The Recipe Search tool can be opened from any of the production structures, the recipe (Production BOM), or directly using Tell Me.
This function helps you locate recipes. Enter different materials and a range (minimum share % and maximum share %) to search.
When opened from the Actions menu on the Production Structure, all necessary data is transferred to the Recipe Search page so less data entry is needed.
Use the filters in the Options section to refine the search by turning on the following toggles:
- Exact Match – to locate only recipes that have all items within the minimum and maximum share ranges.
- Only certified Recipes – to locate recipes whose status is certified.
- Only active Versions – to locate active versions of recipes.
Without using filters, all recipe combinations are found.
In the lines, enter the different values and a minimum and maximum share % and then choose the Find action to receive the results in the Recipe Search Result page.
From the Recipe Search Result page, open the recipe card(s) by choosing Prod. BOM > Card on the Related menu.
Content Specification
The Content Specification is only available in the Development Structure page.
Recipes can be set up to calculate the recipe share by:
- Mass %
- Volume Share %
This calculation is determined in the Content Specification on field on the General FastTab on the Development Structure page.
Mass Percent
With the Mass % option, the content specification is based on the weight (mass) of the new item. Entries are made in the Share % or Share fields on the development structure lines.
Volume Share Percent
With the Volume Share % option, the content specification is based on the volume of the new item. Entries are made in the Volume Share % field on the production structure line. Upon certification (or by running the Check Recipe function), the Share % field of the development structure is calculated under consideration of the density. In addition, the Expected Density field on the General FastTab is calculated based on the values in these fields.
The different calculation methods are often used in the development of new recipes because you do not always know which substance to use but have an idea of what the density of the substance should be. Therefore, you can enter placeholder lines with density values in the Development Structure.
When an item is entered to replace the placeholder, a message opens asking if you want to keep the values. If you choose the Yes button, the information on the line remains, EXCEPT the density defined on the new item replaces the existing density on the line.
If a Laboratory Structure is created from the Development Structure, only the Shares and Share % transfer so the volume share % with density functionality is only used in the Development Structure.
The unit "volume share" is considerably different from the "volume concentration." Volume share does not consider volume contraction during solubilization. The less volume contraction occurs during solubilization, the smaller the difference between the two units. Because the difference is usually very small, these two units are usually treated as the same.
A volume contraction occurs when the total volume of a solution is smaller than the sum of volume of all components. For example, when 50 ml of water is mixed with 50 ml of ethanol, the total volume of the solution is 97 ml, not 100 ml.
See Also
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