What's new in version 7.3
Version 7.3.214946.0 of COSMO Advanced Manufacturing Pack is a Hotfix of the 7.3.212108.0 release.
Version 7.3.212108.0 of COSMO Advanced Manufacturing Pack is a Hotfix of the 7.3.203057.0 release.
Version 7.3.203057.0 of COSMO Advanced Manufacturing Pack is a Hotfix of the 7.3.200470.0 release.
Version 7.3.200470.0 of COSMO Advanced Manufacturing Pack is a Hotfix of the 7.3.199172.0 release.
Version 7.3.199172.0 of COSMO Advanced Manufacturing Pack adds improvements and fixes issues to enhance your overall experience.
Features and enhancements
The following features are included in this release:
Pull Request | Description | Module |
PR10676 | Added consideration of Quantity Shipped in Shipment Planning with Direct Job Shipments and Shipment Channel = Posted Item. | PR |
PR10998 | Added ability for Essential Users to Rebuild GX Data. | GX, PR |
PR11025 | Changed Trading Unit per Item UOM field type from option to enum. | PM |
PR11037 | Added subscriber for new integration event in item tracking management to "CCS PM Event Handling" codeunit. | PM |
PR11050 | Added editable Work Format, Work Quantity, and Progress columns to Graphical Project Resource Planning for unplanned tasks and made Work Quantity and Progress columns editable in Graphical Project Planning. | GX, PR |
PR11057 | Added requested event to "CCS DM Subcontracting Mgt." codeunit to be able to manipulate or suppress price calculation for subcontracting. | DM |
PR11058 | Added CTO Setup table permission to "CCS DM Enclose Management" codeunit to reduce needed general user permissions. | DM |
PR11060 | Added new event publishers to "CCS PR Job Processing Mgt." codeunit. | PR |
PR11071 | Added update of several fields in the Sales Line when the Prototype function replaces the item number with an existing item. | DM |
PR11080 | Only inhibit Warehouse Posting for Subcontracting Purchase Orders if the linked Routing Line is not the last one. | DM |
PR11095 | Improved caption of DM RoleCenter. | DM |
PR11102 | Added publisher and restructured code in Search & Replace Component procedure. | PR |
PR11106 | Improved error message for a too long Starting No. in the selected No. Series for prototype variants. | DM |
PR11107, PR11166 | Improved Procurement Signal logic in Planning and Processing page. | PR |
PR11122 | Added integration event on validate to "CCS DM Master BOM Header" table. | DM |
PR11125 | Changed event parameters to var in "CCS DM Copy BOM Management" codeunit. | DM |
PR11131 | Replaced exclamation points (!) with periods (.) in error text. | PR |
PR11137 | Added new event publisher to "CCS PR Job Line BOM Handling" codeunit. | PR |
PR11147 | Improved performance of calculations made when getting Job Line dates from Process Lines for Planning and Processing page. | PR |
PR11186 | Unified procedures to show job related sales or purchase documents to increase code readability and maintainability. | PR |
PR11204 | Added new events to multiple codeunits to manipulate the finding of the current version of Master BOMs, Production BOMs, and Routings. | DM |
PR11206 | Added publisher to "CCS DM Work Package Management" codeunit. | DM |
PR11214 | Added Job Contact Roles to "Tell me" and Project Administrator COSMO Project Role Center. | PR |
PR11216 | Enhanced Milestones to allow completion without Sales Milestone Triggers as well as automatically set Process Lines to 100% complete when Milestones are completed. | PR |
PR11218 | Added new event publishers to multiple codeunits. | DM |
PR11232 | Added new publisher to "CCS PM PO Feedback Service" codeunit. | PM |
PR11234 | Used Confirm Management codeunit when deleting Master BOM Header and increased error message for Master BOM Version. | DM |
PR11248 | Optimized Modify GXPR Job Line Process task. | GX, PR |
PR11260 | Reassigned modified SalesLine record variable back to var parameter to be up-to-date in "CCS DM Doc BOM to Mfg." codeunit, procedure GenerateBOM. | DM |
This release fixes the following issues found in the previous version of the app:
Pull Request | Description | Module |
PR11055, PR11145 | Fixed transferred quantities when creating multi-level production orders from Document BOM/Construction Order when scrap is used. | DM |
PR11068 | Fixed issue in which the calculation for routings with scrap was too high. | DM |
PR11074 | Fixed issue in which an error message occurred when entering the Posting Date in Job Time Entries with blank Job No. field. | PR |
PR11103 | Fixed remaining shelf life check on lot no. change. | PM |
PR11121 | Addressed regional settings (decimal point vs comma) in checklist fields as well as fixed an error that prevented a checklist with automatic calculation from opening. Updated permission set "CCS AMP ALL". |
DM |
PR11128 | Fixed client timeout for Equipment Issuance. | PR |
PR11132 | Fixed issue in which the line discount was not transferred from the job source to the purchase line when using the classic price calculation. | PR |
PR11142 | Fixed issue in which filters were not reset in Job Procurement Planning page. | PR |
PR11163 | Fixed application area of Default QC Template field in Job Types Setup page. | PR |
PR11175 | Fixed visibility of DM fields and actions in Job Budget Calculation page. | DM, PR |
PR11200 | Fixed missing transfer of item ingredient to production structure line ingredients. | PM |
PR11205 | Fixed error that occurred when "Show Column Names" was enabled in various Process Manufacturing matrix pages. | PM, PX |
PR11215 | Fixed the conversion of Duration Quantity in Process Planning if the Fixed Process was set to Duration. | PR |
PR11239 | Fixed consumption posting in production journal if pick has been exceeded. | PM |
PR11240 | Fixed issue to prevent the copying of an empty Description 2 from the Item Template to the Item Card. | DM |
PR11246 | Fixed error shown when the Trading Unit Item Adjustment was modified in Business Central 23. | PM |
PR11251 | Fixed issue in which the Delayed Global Calculation field was not reset correctly after running the Update Calculation action. | PR |
PR11268 | Fixed issue in which the Document BOM No. field was cleared in a Sales Line if it was recreated, e.g., when "Sell-to Customer No." changed. | DM |
The following hotfixes are included in this release:
Hotfix No. | Pull Request | Description | Module |
7.3.214946.0 | PR11918 | Combined two subscribers for the same event publisher to one. | DM |
PR12041, PR12239 | Redesigned WBS calculation for page updates. | PR | |
PR12212 | Fixed issue in which all Equipment Appointments were removed when a Resource was deleted. | PR | |
PR12217 | Fixed issue in which the Quantity Needed (Container) field in the Returnable Container Selection for Sales Order lines was wrong if the Quantity (Container) field in the Item Returnable Container page was not equal to 1. | PM | |
PR12227 | Added new publisher to "CCS PM Trading Unit Mgt." codeunit. | PM | |
PR12238 | Fixed issue in which the calculation of total quantities in the Returnable Container Selection for Sales Order lines was wrong if the Quantity (Container) field in the Item Returnable Container page was not equal to 1. | PM | |
7.3.212108.0 | PR12018 | Added new publisher to "CCS PM PO Feedback Service" codeunit. | PM |
7.3.203057.0 | PR11305 | Fixed issue in which the filter pane action was missing in the procurement Construction Order when opened from the Job Processing Procurement page via the Construction Order field drilldown. The missing filter pane was added to Procurement Assembly Orders, Procurement Construction Orders, Procurement Production Orders, and Procurement Service Orders. | DM, PR |
PR11385 | Fixed issue in which the Job Time Entry page would close immediately if a user selected a journal batch name without the necessary permissions. Now the first valid journal batch name available to the user is automatically selected. | PR | |
PR11386 | Fixed issue in which manually modified G/L Account numbers in Job Invoicing Lines were replaced by the G/L Account from the assigned General Component upon creating a Sales Invoice. | PR | |
PR11393 | Added new event and new event parameter to "CCS PR Job Procurement Mgt." codeunit. | PR | |
PR11403 | Added new publisher to "CCS PX Work Cent ProdRate Mgt." codeunit. | PX | |
PR11426 | Fixed issue in which the calculation of a new direct unit cost for a purchase line was not performed when the received quantity was adjusted in a Warehouse Receipt that had a delivery tolerance set up with the "Calculate New Price" option. | PM | |
PR11438 | Excluded separate production orders (created from Construction Orders) from update when Update Multilevel Prod. Orders is enabled in Planning Extension Setup. | DM, PX | |
PR11472 | Added new event publisher in "CCS PR Job Line BOM Handling" codeunit. | PR | |
PR11485 | Fixed TableRelation for "Job Order No." field in "CCS PR Job Line Procurement" table to ensure that the "Job Order No." field correctly references the appropriate table, thus improving data integrity and preventing potential errors when interacting with this field. | PR | |
PR11502 | Added missing transfer of Lot No. Trading Unit and Trading Unit No. in picking process in "CCS PM Event Handling" codeunit for events in the Entry Summary and Item Tracking Setup table. | PM | |
PR11504 | Inhibit double Warehouse Entries if a Warehouse Receipt of a Subcontracting Purchase Order gets posted. | DM | |
PR11507 | Fixed error when archiving a Checklist because the Description field was too short in the Checklist Line Archive by increasing the Description field from 50 to 100 characters. | DM | |
PR11508 | Performance optimization and code refactoring in Job Processing Procurement page. | PR | |
PR11522 | Made the OptionType , ProderOrderChoice , and ShowDocument variables in the "CCS PM Carry Out Item Bottling" report available globally for extensibility. |
PM | |
PR11547 | Performance improvement for Job Planning and Processing page. Updated permission set "CCS AMP ALL". |
PR | |
7.3.200470.0 | PR11344 | Fixed consideration of already shipped quantities when calculating delivery tolerances. | PM |
PR11362 | Fixed error on finishing physical inventory order with Lot No. Trading Unit and zero recorded quantity. | PM | |
PR11363 | Fixed replacement of (decimal) periods (.) and commas (,) for Checklist Lines with "Free Text" = true. | DM |
Removed or deprecated features
Removed obsolete controls, objects, and methods:
Pull Request | Description | Module |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
Technical specifications
Details | Version |
Requires Microsoft Base Application | |
Requires COSMO Licensing | |
Requires COSMO Graphical Extension | |
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