Create Project Calculation Lines
This section explains how to enter general, service, or standard items in the Project Budget Calculation page. For information about entering items with BOMs, see Entering BOMs in Project Structure.
To create project calculation lines
- Choose the
icon, enter Projects, and then choose the related link.
- Locate the relevant Project Card to add budget calculation lines.
- On the Home menu, choose the Budget Calculation action.
- Choose the New Position action.
If the first position is a header line with no pricing
- Leave the Type and No. fields empty.
- In the Description field, type a short description for the Position.
- Leave the remaining fields empty.
If the first position is used to identify the total project price
- In the Type field, enter General.
- In the No. field, enter the appropriate general component. Remember that the selection here determines which G/L account is posted to when this order is invoiced.
- If the Description field is not populated from the selected number, type a short description, for example, Total Price. This description will be shown on the invoice.
- In the Quantity field, type 1 since this is a single line entry for the full cost of the project budget.
- In the Direct Unit Cost field, type the full cost of the project budget.
- In the Unit Price (LCY) field, type the full price of the project, if not already calculated.
- Alternatively, leave the Quantity, Direct Unit Cost, and Unit Price (LCY) fields blank so that these values can be automatically calculated using the Rollup functionality.
To insert more lines
- While on the first Position, insert the next line, and then choose one of the following actions:
- New Level to insert a Level of that Position.
- New Position to insert a new Position.
- In the Type field, enter the type of project line to be created, such as a service to be performed or an item to be purchased.
- In the No. field, enter the appropriate number corresponding to the selected Type.
- Update the Description field as needed.
- In the Quantity field, type the number of days, hours, and so on, budgeted for this level/position.
- In the Unit of Measure Code field, enter the appropriate unit of measure for this level/position.
- In the Direct Unit Cost field, type the unit cost in the relevant unit of measure for this level/position.
- In the Unit Price (LCY) field, type the unit price in the relevant unit of measure for this level/position.
- Repeat steps 1–8 for the remaining calculation lines.
See Also
Project Budget Calculation Page
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