Production Journal
The production journal is standard manufacturing functionality in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. In COSMO Process Manufacturing, two functions have been added:
Gathering of the Posting Quantity – Initially, the current remaining quantity from the production order is used as the posting quantity. If the posting quantity is changed, the output lines are updated with the posting quantity. The quantities and times of components with Flushing Method = Manual are recalculated proportionally based on the posting quantity. The quantities of components with other flushing methods will remain 0.
Gathering of the Scrap % – During the change of the Scrap % field, all raw materials and times are recalculated in this journal.
The calculated values can be changed at any time.
These fields are shown in the production journal if the Use Posting Qty. and Scrap Defaults in Prod. Journal toggle is turned on in the Process Manufacturing Setup page.
For more information about the standard Production Journal functionality, refer to the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Help.
Lot No. Usage on Machine Line in Production Journal
Tools and Inserts are always used in combination with and parallel to a Work Center. These capacities use the same Starting Date-Time and Ending Date-Time as the Work Center and do not exist separately.
If a Work Center with Tool is the last in the Routing:
A dummy for Tool Usage will be added to the Production Structure and Prod. Order Routing.
The concluding dummy position that is required for calculation is not transferred to the Production Journal/Output Journal.
The posting of the Work Center position is the trigger for automatic Output posting. Therefore, the Production Order Line-related Item Tracking must be entered on the Work Center line.
When the Work Center is part of a parallel structure in the Production Structure, the last line on the Production Journal/Output Journal is a dummy line used to reunite routing structures that can have different time efforts when running parallel. In this case, the parallel dummy line is the trigger for the Output posting and position for entering the Item Tracking.
See Also
Tool Management
Process Management Setup
Manufacturing Date
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