Variable Default Allocations
Variable default allocations automatically set the values of other variables depending on inputs. These other variables do not have to be calculated by formulas themselves. The set up is done in the Variable Options Allocations page.
The following video shows a checklist template that calculates length and width. Variables have been assigned to the checklist answers, and options have been assigned to the "CL_LENGTH" variable. In the allocations for the first option of Length = 100, the "CL_SQM" variable is set to 5000 (for calculating the square meters) and the "CL_WIDTH" is set to 50. For option of Length = 200, the "CL_SQM" variable is set to 20000 and the "CL_WIDTH" is set to 100, and so on.
Depending on the input of the length, the width and result (SQM) are calculated and these values are assigned to the other variables. So when 100 is entered as the Length, the Width is set to 50 and the Result (SQM) is set to 5000. These values are updated when a different (existing) length value is entered.
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