Decision Tables
Decision Tables can be used to set up a big number of value combinations within one table and use these values in all formulas of COSMO Discrete Manufacturing. Using the function GETVALUE, you can extract the information from the decision table.
General FastTab
The fields on the General FastTab of the Decision Table page are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Code | Unique identifier for this decision table. This code will be used as first parameter of the dynamic function GETVALUE. |
Description | Description of this decision table. |
Status | Status of this decision table. The options are: - New: The decision table is new and you can edit the lines. - Certified: The decision table is certified and the lines are not editable. Only this table can be used in dynamic formulas. - Under Development: The decision table is under development and you can edit the lines. - Closed: This decision table is no longer used. |
Last Status Modified Date | Date when the status was last changed. |
Last Status Modified User | The ID of the user who last changed the status. |
Last Date Modified | Date when the header was last changed. |
Last User ID Modified | The ID of the user who last changed the header. |
Lines FastTab
The fields on the Lines FastTab of the Decision Table page are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Search Sequence | Indicates the search order of the lines to be used if more than one line matches all filtering conditions. |
Value Code | Value Code to which the decision table line includes, for example, PRICE. This will be used as second parameter in function GETVALUE. |
Filter Dim 1 is alphanum. | Determines the type of value that can be entered in the Dimension 1 field: - If selected, an alphanumeric value can be entered. - If not selected, only numeric values can be entered (for example, 10..20 is possible, but BLUE|GREEN will get an error). |
Dimension Value 1 | First Dimension to identify the right value, for example, LENGTH. This dimension will be used as third parameter in function GETVALUE. |
Filter Dim 2 is alphanum. | Determines the type of value that can be entered in the Dimension 2 field: - If selected, an alphanumeric value can be entered. - If not selected, only numeric values can be entered (for example, 10..20 is possible, but BLUE|GREEN will get an error). |
Dimension Value 2 | Second Dimension to identify the right value, for example, WIDTH. This dimension will be used as forth parameter in function GETVALUE. |
Filter Dim 3 is alphanum. | Determines the type of value that can be entered in the Dimension 3 field: - If selected, an alphanumeric value can be entered. - If not selected, only numeric values can be entered (for example, 10..20 is possible, but BLUE|GREEN will get an error). |
Dimension Value 3 | Third Dimension to identify the right value, for example, DEPTH. This dimension will be used as fifth parameter in function GETVALUE. |
Value | Indicates the value that the function GETVALUE gives back as return value. |
Filter Expressions in Decision Table Lines
It is also possible to use filter expressions like <100 or 250..300 or BLUE|GREEN|RED in the Decision Table lines (used within the GETVALUE function).
With these setup options, it is possible that more than one line will match all conditions. The system will always use the first Decision Table line that matches all dimension values so the Search Sequence field can be used to indicate the proper order for the search.
Each Dimension Value… field must be marked if the filter should be used as an alphanumeric filter or as a numeric filter.
Date Formats
Dates can be used as dimension parameters using the GETVALUE function but need to conform to regional settings. In the Dimension Value... fields, enter dates using an XML date format for international use (yyyy-mm-dd) or a regional format if all users will use the same regional setup. We recommend that you use the international format to avoid user input errors. Filter expressions for date ranges can also be used, for example, 2024-01-15..2024-12-15.
When users are filling in formula fields that use the GETVALUE function, for example, in an Input field in a Checklist, they can only enter dates using the international format or their regional format. For example, if their Region setting is Germany, then they can enter a date as "" or "yyyy-mm-dd" but not as "mm.dd.yyyy".
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