Detail Calculations
Detail calculations can be run on items and production variants.
Calculation on Items
The calculation of the fixed acquisition cost of items is displayed in the Detail Calculation page. On the Item Card, choose Bill of Materials > Production > Detail Calc. Standard Cost on the Related menu.
The General FastTab includes item information, such as the standard cost and unit cost. The Lines FastTab displays the material and capacity costs that result from the production BOM and the routing.
If a line item has a BOM or routing, choose the amount in the Unit Cost field to open its detail calculation.
The Quantity field in the header can be modified to steer for which quantity the unit cost in the Amount (Quantity) field should be calculated. This has a special effect if there are setup times in the calculation.
To transfer the calculated unit cost to the item, the following functions are available:
- Accept Unit Cost – The sum of the costs from the Amount (Base) field is copied in the Standard Cost field on the Item Card.
- Accept Unit Cost and Quantity – The sum of the costs from the Amount (Quantity) field is copied into the Standard Cost field and the Quantity is copied to the Lot Size field on the Item Card.
Calculation on Production Variants
An item may have more than one production structure. Due to changes in the materials, work centers and times, different unit costs are calculated.
In general, the standard production structure is transferred to the item and is also the base for the calculation.
A calculation can be opened from a production variant and then the calculated standard cost can be compared with the calculated unit cost from the variant.
The current unit cost of the item is also displayed so that it can be compared with the calculated unit cost.
See Also
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