Construction Inquiry
The construction inquiry is almost identical to the construction order except that the components of the construction inquiry do not initiate demand. In addition, some actions are omitted, such as Create Production Order.
Create Construction Inquiry
The construction inquiry can be created either for the entire Document BOM of a construction inquiry or only for the assembly unit, based on the selected Document BOM line. This is possible from both the Document BOM (opened from the Sales line) or from the Document BOM Header page.
In the Document BOM, create the construction inquiry for the:
- entire document BOM by choosing the:
- Create Construction Inquiry (whole BOM) action on the Actions menu.
- ellipsis button in the Constr. Inquiry Status field at the bottom of the page
- assembly unit by choosing the:
- Create Construction Inquiry action on the Related menu.
- empty Constr. Inquiry Status field on a line (must be shown using the Personalize function).
In the Document BOM Header page, create the construction inquiry for the:
- entire document BOM by choosing:
- Functions > Create Construction Inquiry (whole BOM) on the Actions menu.
- the ellipsis button in the Constr. Inquiry Status field in the General FastTab.
- assembly unit by choosing:
- Line > Create Construction Inquiry on the Lines FastTab.
- the empty Constr. Inquiry Status field on a line (must be shown using the Personalize function).
Construction Inquiry Status
If the construction inquiry is generated for the entire BOM, the Constr. Inquiry Status field at the bottom of the page or in the General FastTab shows the status, depending on if viewing from the Document BOM or Document BOM Header, respectively.
If the construction inquiry is generated for an assembly unit, the Constr. Inquiry Status field shows the status on the specific Document BOM line.
Create Multiple Construction Inquiries
Using the same creation steps described above, you can create multiple construction inquiries for a Document BOM. These will be identifiable by the Constr. Inquiry Status field, which will show the status of each in the order they were created. For example, Open|Completed for the first construction inquiry that is still open and the second that has been set to Completed.
Open Existing Construction Inquiries
Construction Inquiries are opened immediately upon creation. Existing construction inquiries can be opened from the Document BOM, Document BOM Header, or using the Tell Me feature to view a list of all construction inquiries. The access and views differ depending on where you begin and whether there are multiple construction inquiries.
In the Document BOM, to view single or multiple construction inquiries for the:
- entire document BOM, choose the:
- Open Construction Inquiry (whole BOM) action on the Actions menu.
- ellipsis button in the Constr. Inquiry Status field at the bottom of the page
- assembly unit, choose the:
- Open Construction Inquiry action on the Related menu.
- value in the Constr. Inquiry Status field on the line.
- entire document BOM, choose the:
In the Document BOM Header, to view single or multiple construction inquiries for the:
- entire Document BOM, choose the:
- Functions > Open Construction Inquiry (whole BOM) action on the Actions menu.
- the ellipsis button in the Constr. Inquiry Status field in the General FastTab.
- assembly unit, choose the:
- Line > Create Construction Inquiry on the Lines FastTab.
- value in the Constr. Inquiry Status field on the line.
- entire Document BOM, choose the:
If only one construction inquiry has been created for the entire Document BOM or assembly line, it opens directly. If multiple construction inquiries have been created, then the Construction Inquiries page opens for you to choose which one to view.
With any of the above mentioned methods for opening a construction inquiry, a message will open to create a construction inquiry if one does not exist.
Process Construction Inquiry
After a construction inquiry is generated, it is processed the same way as a "normal" construction order. When all changes are made in the Construction Inquiry, return the changed BOM to the Document BOM by choosing the Transfer Back to Doc. BOM action. This stores the user ID and the time of the return in the Transferred back on and Transferred back by fields on the General FastTab of the Construction Inquiry.
When using multiple construction inquiries, it is possible to overwrite other changes using the Transfer Back to Doc. BOM action. To avoid this, ensure that only one Construction Inquiry is open at a time.
If you have the integration with Advanced Manufacturing Suite (AMS), special text added in the construction inquiry line will be transferred when the Transfer Back to Doc. BOM action is run. For more information, see Text in construction inquiry.
If you have the integration with Advanced Manufacturing Suite (AMS), the Document Box FactBox from COSMO Document Management System is available. For more information, see Integration of COSMO Document Management System.
If you have the integration with Advanced Manufacturing Suite (AMS), the Drawing Set and Line Drawing Set FactBox from COSMO Product Data Management is available. For more information, see Drawings in COSMO Discrete Manufacturing.
See Also
Construction Order
Construction Line Planning Pool
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