DMS Document Library Fields
Document library fields are configured in the DMS Document Library Fields page. To open the field list, choose the Fields action on the DMS Document Library Card.
A DMS Document Library Field in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central defines the connection to the corresponding document library field in SharePoint. Choose the Update Fields action to update the list from SharePoint. The list of fields will be retrieved in the current Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central’s signed in user context. Therefore, the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central web client must access SharePoint and the user must have at least read access to the document library.
Create new fields
- Choose the Edit fields action to edit the list.
- Enter a valid internal static name of the field in SharePoint. Follow the naming convention, such as CCDMS_Tablename_Fieldname, and avoid spaces.
- Select the type of the field in SharePoint. The Dynamics 365 Business Central field type related to the SharePoint field type is automatically updated.
- If necessary, enter a value in the Max. Length field.
- Enter a caption for the field in SharePoint.
- Enter a valid property for the field in SharePoint.
Fields of the Boolean type should define the default value. Enter value 0 for default value false/No. Enter value 1, for default value true/Yes. Fields of the Date and Time type should define the format. Enter value 0 for the Date Only format. Enter value 1 for the Date & Time format.
- Select Required if any value but blank should be required for the field in SharePoint.
- Select Indexed if the field should be indexed for the document library in SharePoint.
- Choose the Build action after configuring the document library field(s) to build the field(s) in SharePoint in the current Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central’s signed in user context.
Modify existing fields
- Choose the Edit fields action to edit the list.
- Modify all relevant entries for the document library field(s).
- Choose the Build action after configuring the document library field(s) to update the field(s) in SharePoint in the current Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central’s signed in user context.
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