Regulatory Affairs Setup
Regulatory Affairs Setup allows you to configure the authentication policy for approval workflows. Password-based authentication enables you to authenticate designated approvers before they can approve an event.
In the Regulatory Affairs Setup page, you enable the application areas and define password settings for the additional authentication security.
To set up authentication policies
Choose the
icon, enter Regulatory Affairs Setup, and then choose the related link.
On the Regulatory Affairs Setup page, fill in or update the fields as described in the following table.
Field Description Enable Application Area Makes pages and controls visible for COSMO Regulatory Affairs (see App Activation). Password Expiration Formula / Notification Formula Together these fields determine when a notification will be sent to a user stating that their password will be expiring.
For example, if this field is set to -2D and the Password Expiration Formula field is set to 2W, then the user will receive a notification two days before the two weeks time frame has elapsed.Authentication Timeout To reduce the frequency of authentication challenges that interrupt the workflow, you can specify a timeout period. This period determines how much time can elapse before an approval user needs to re-enter this password after they have entered it for an approval.
For example, if this field is set to 20, then the approval user has 20 seconds after entering their password before they will be asked to enter it again for another approval request.Max. Failed Login Attempts Limits the number of failed attempts an approval user can enter their authentication password for an approval request. Depending on the setting you choose, a suspended user won’t be able to approve COSMO Regulatory Affairs processes until the password is reset.
The user that is suspended or a different user with the necessary permissions can create an approval request to remove the suspension using the Reset Approval Password action (see Reset User Workflow Password). The user will be reinstated after the approval request for the password reset has been approved. Now the user can set a new password or will be asked to set a new password the first time they try to approve a request after suspension has been removed.
If the number is set to zero (0), then this restriction is deactivated and the number of attempts is unlimited.Password Log Size Specifies the number of unique new passwords that must be associated with a user account for authentication before an old password can be reused. Password Min. Size Specifies the minimum number of characters that are required for the password. Min. Lowercase Specifies the minimum number of lowercase characters that are required for the password. Min. Uppercase Specifies the minimum number of uppercase characters that are required for the password. Min. Numbers Specifies the minimum number of numerical characters that are required for the password. Min. Special Characters Specifies the minimum number of special characters that are required for the password. Deactivate Approval Admin. Permission Deactivates the standard behavior of the Approval Administrator, which allows a single user to approve or reject any request, even if that person is not the approver or part of the approval group. Comments Requirement Determines whether a comment is required when requesting, cancelling, approving, rejecting, or delegating approval requests. The options are:
- None: Comments are not required and the Approval Entry Comment dialog box does not open.
- Optional: The Approval Entry Comment dialog box opens and a comment can be entered or bypassed by choosing the OK or Cancel button.
- Mandatory: The Approval Entry Comment dialog box opens and a comment must be entered. Choosing the OK or Cancel button produces an error and the request will not be completed. Once a comment is added, the OK button can be chosen and the request can be processed.Rerun Delay (sec.) Specifies how many seconds to wait before re-running a job queue task in the event of a failure. This is used with the asynchronous workflows.
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