Create Sales Documents
Sales Quotes and Sales Orders can be created from the Bill of Quantities Card based on the BoQ customer information.
The reason for creating a sales quote for a BoQ is to provide requested pricing to customers. Once you receive an offer request from a customer, you can either create the BoQ manually or with an imported BoQ file. After entering and calculating your prices, you can create the sales quote and then export the BoQ file with the prices.
If the customer selects your bid, you can create the sales order from the existing sales quote or you can create a sales order directly from the Bill of Quantities Card.
Sales Documents for BoQs
In the Bill of Quantities Card, a customer number, contact number, and general product posting group are defined for use in the sales documents. The BoQ Position No., BoQ Position Type, Description, Unit of Measure Code, Quantity, Unit Price, BoQ Price Type and Line Discount % are transferred to the sales lines.
Additionally, the BoQ Short/Long Texts are transferred from the BoQ to the sales documents and from the quote to order with the Make Order action.
Offer pricing to customers
The general processes for offering pricing to customers is described in this section.
To update the BoQ
- Open the Bill of Quantities Card page.
- Set the fields in the General FastTab as defined by your business process but ensure that the Data Exchange Phase = Offer and Data Exchange Type = Customer.
- In the Customer FastTab, enter the customer or contact information:
- In the Customer No. field, enter the number to be set as the customer in the sales quote.
- In the Contact No. field, enter the number to be set as the contact in the sales quote if a customer does not exist yet. You will be prompted to select a customer template when creating the quote.
- In the Contractor FastTab, enter your company information.
- In the Administration FastTab, choose the relevant posting group in the General Product Posting Group field if not automatically populated from BoQ Management Setup.
To enter the pricing and calculations
- If a BoQ file was sent, import it into the BoQ by choosing Import File on the Home menu. Locate and select the file to import.
- If a BoQ file was not sent, manually enter the information in the BoQ Positions FastTab.
To create a sales quote
- On the New Document menu, choose the Create Sales Quote action.
- Choose the Yes button to create the quote.
- If creating a quote for a contact, you do not need to create a customer for the contact but you do need to choose the customer template in the follow-up questions.
To export the BoQ file with prices
For customers that transmit BoQ files, export the file from the BoQ version.
- In the Bill of Quantities Card, choose the Export File action on the Home menu.
- Save the file and then send to the customer requesting the pricing.
Receive order from customer
If your company has the winning offer, then you can create the sales order using the Make Order action from the sales quote. If a sales quote does not exist, you can create a sales order directly from the Bill of Quantities Card.
To make an order from the quote
- Open the Bill of Quantities Card page.
- On the Related menu, choose the Show Sales Quotes action.
- On the Home menu, choose the Make Order action.
- If the quote was created from a contact, then you will need to make a customer either at this point or prior to creating the order.
To create a direct sales order
- Open the Bill of Quantities Card page.
- Ensure that the Customer No., Contact No., and General Product Posting Group fields are populated.
- On the New Document menu, choose the Create Sales Order action.
- Choose the Yes button.
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