What's new in version 5.1
Version 5.1.141674.0 of COSMO Advanced Manufacturing Suite adds approval workflows for certifying Customer Certificates, changing Lot-Serial No. Status from Inventory Overview, changing status of PDM Drawing and Engineering Change Order, and inserting, modifying, and deleting Restricted Sales Setup; adds line text from COSMO Text Module to Sequence Planning lines in COSMO Process Manufacturing; and can copy only document language from Document BOM/Checklist to Sales Line in COSMO Discrete Manufacturing.
Features and enhancements
The following features are included in this release:
Pull Request | Description | Module |
PR6874, PR7273 | Added approval workflow to certify Customer Certificates. | QA, RA |
PR6978 | Added approval workflow to change status of Engineering Change Orders. | PDM, RA |
PR7180 | Added approval workflow to change Lot-/Serial No. Status from Inventory Overview. | QA, RA |
PR7238, PR7243, PR7255 | Added approval workflows for inserting, modifying, and deleting Restricted Sales Setup. | PM, RA |
PR7534 | If "Use Document Language Code" is turned on in Text Module Setup, only texts of the document language defined in the sales header is copied from Document BOM/Checklist to Sales Line. | DM, TM |
PR7732 | Added Text Module "Line Texts" action to Sequence Planning line. | PM, TM |
PR7727 | Added approval workflows to change status of Drawings. | PDM, RA |
PR7762 | Reduced warnings on minimum pipeline. | QA, RA |
This release fixes the following issues found in the previous version of the app:
Pull Request | Description | Module |
PR6873 | Upgraded conditions on Job Line Procurement Release Approval Workflow to include Job Line Budget and Job Line Process. | PR, RA |
PR6886 | Fixed tooltips for some "Prod. Order - Process Manufacturing" actions. | PM, PX |
PR7276 | Removed question when posting Lot-/Serial No. Administration changes with approval workflow. | QA, RA |
PR7669 | Fixed missing Lot No. Information with Operation testing created on release of Test Order. | QA |
PR7703 | Re-added action to open Ingredient Lot Assignment from Prod. Order Line. | PM, QA |
The following hotfixes are included in this release:
Hotfix No. | Pull Request | Description | Module |
N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Removed or deprecated features
Removed obsolete controls, objects, and methods:
Pull Request | Description | Module |
PR7728 | Replaced obsolete events in "CCS AMS Text Module Subscriber" codeunit. | TM |
Technical specifications
Details | Version |
Requires Microsoft Base Application | |
Requires COSMO Advanced Manufacturing Pack | |
Requires COSMO Document Management System | |
Requires COSMO Product Data Management | |
Requires COSMO Text Module | |
Requires COSMO Quality Assurance | |
Requires COSMO Vendor Rating | |
Requires COSMO Regulatory Affairs | |
Requires COSMO Licensing | |
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