COSMO Alpaca Integrations
BcContainerHelper PowerShell Cmdlets
The Alpaca PowerShell Cmdlets are available starting with BcContainerHelper v5.0.4+. If this version is not yet released you might want to use Install-Module -Name BcContainerHelper -AllowPrerelease
Import-Module BcContainerHelper
$authContext = New-BcAuthContext -clientId $bcContainerHelperConfig.AlpacaSettings.OAuthClientId -Scopes $bcContainerHelperConfig.AlpacaSettings.OAuthScopes -includeDeviceLogin
# Create new container (for more parameters see Get-Help New-AlpacaBcContainer)
$credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("admin", (ConvertTo-SecureString "Passw0rd!" -AsPlainText -Force))
$containerId = New-AlpacaBcContainer `
-authContext $authContext `
-bcArtifact '/onprem/21.5/de' `
-credential $credential `
-containerName 'myBcContainer' `
# URLs
Write-Host "Web:$containerId/?tenant=default"
Write-Host "OData:$($containerId)rest/"
Write-Host "SOAP:$($containerId)soap/"
Write-Host "DEV: server= | serverInstance=$($containerId)dev | port=443"
# Get all containers
Get-AlpacaBcContainer -authContext $authContext
# Get single container
Get-AlpacaBcContainer -authContext $authContext -containerId $containerId
# Stop container
Stop-AlpacaBcContainer -authContext $authContext -containerId $containerId
# Start container
Start-AlpacaBcContainer -authContext $authContext -containerId $containerId
# Delete container
Remove-AlpacaBcContainer -authContext $authContext -containerId $containerId
# Get Event Log
Get-AlpacaBcContainerEventlog -authContext $authContext -containerId $containerId
# Invoke script
Invoke-ScriptInAlpacaBcContainer -authContext $authContext -containerId $containerId -scriptblock {
[string] $name
Write-Host "Returning: Hello $name"
return "Hello $name"
} -argumentList 'COSMO Alpaca!'
More Cmdlets will be available soon.
AL-Go for GitHub
There will be integrations in both directions:
- AL-Go will support Alpaca as a backend for running containers for development and pipelines.
- COSMO Alpaca VS Code Extension will support creating and managing AL-Go repositories, running workflows, creating containers, etc.
Alpaca support in AL-Go
This is still in development.
AL-Go support in Alpaca
You can install the COSMO Alpaca Preview Extension in VS Code to get an early preview of the AL-Go support in Alpaca. Please use the COSMO Alpaca Preview instead of the COSMO Alpaca extension. You can use the stable and the preview extensions in parallel.
OpenAPI specification
You can find the OpenAPI definitions of the API at
Authentication is done via OAuth, you can get an access token e.g. via
Import-Module BcContainerHelper
$authContext = New-BcAuthContext -clientId $bcContainerHelperConfig.AlpacaSettings.OAuthClientId -Scopes $bcContainerHelperConfig.AlpacaSettings.OAuthScopes -includeDeviceLogin
This token needs to be passed via an Authentication header:
Authorization: Bearer {{accessToken}}